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Deprecated Technologies

MathType Integrations Deprecated Services


  1. Copy the ASP.NET integration package directory in your web system root path.

  2. Create an application on your IIS through your control panel. The application root directory depends on the MathType integration package that you have downloaded.

    • For demo package: create an application with root directory on the extracted folder.

    • For integration package: create an application with root directory on /generic_wiris. For versions older than 3.50.0 you need to create the application at /pluginwiris/integration. If, given your project requirements or architecture, you need to have only one application move /generic_wiris/bin contents to the /bin directory of your project and copy the Web.config configuration to your project Web.config. If you use .NET 4.0 or above use the values of Web.config4.0.

  3. Now, open generic_wiris/configuration.ini and set your own values. This table specifies all possible parameters.

Server configuration file (configuration.ini) path
  1. Install wirispluginengine gem manually.

  2. Specify wirispluginengine gem inside your application's Gemfile.

  3. Mount Wirispluginengine engine into your application's config/routes.rb file, adding the following line:

  4. mount Wirispluginengine::Engine => 'wirispluginengine'

    Copy generic_wiris directory in your /vendor/assets/javascripts folder

  5. Give write permissions to wirispluginengine-X.Y.Z/cache and to wirispluginengine-X.Y.Z/formulas directories to the web server user. Those folders will be used to store formula MathML codes and temporal images. If you prefer, you can configure the location of these folders (see section 3).

Server configuration file (configuration.ini) path
<wirispluginengine gem path>/configuration.ini