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MathType known issues

Use this page to see if an issue affecting you is something we're aware of and working on. As we address the issues below and include them in a released version of MathType, we will remove them from the list.


Both Windows and Mac

  1. STIX fonts (and OpenType fonts in general) do not fully work in MathType

  2. EPS saved with CMYK Black does not result in CMYK 0,0,0,100 -- other colours sometimes off as well.

  3. Sometimes MathType does not recognize user-defined function names.

  4. When a pile (an equation of multiple lines) includes fractions, the equation does not "align at top".

  5. Attributes are not preserved in the MathML or (La)TeX translations from equations created in MathType. This means that with rare exceptions, character styles (such as bold and colour) and some structural additions (such as partition lines in a matrix) aren't included in the code resulting from such a translation.

  Windows only

  1. Using the Windows Math Input Panel (MIP) from the MathType 7 tab in Word produces only OMML equations. It does not present the MathType 7 Paste dialogue, thus you will not have the option of creating a MathType 7 equation from the MIP input.

Mac only

  1. MathType is not yet a 64-bit application hence it will not work on macOS 10.15 Catalina. Please see our information page for our timeline and recommendations.

  2. Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) is disabling the MathType macro files that enable MathType integration into Word. KIS flags these files as malicious and quarantines them. The files are not malicious, and we are working with Kaspersky to clear this issue.

  3. Matrices have extra padding left and right of the matrix.

  4. MathPage is greyed-out and unavailable in Word 2016 and later.

  5. If using copy & paste to put equations into Word, some symbols will cause MathType to crash. The message that appears before the crash mentions a Translation Error. To prevent the impact, use the Insert Equation buttons on the MathType tab in Word, rather than using copy & paste.

With Microsoft Office

  1. In Word Draft or Outline views, MathType equations are not displayed. (This is normal in Word and not a bug in MathType

  2. When saving a Word document as a PDF, references to numbered MathType equations are not saved as hyperlinks.

  3. Word 2016 - Converting MathType translator text" equations to MathType equations inserts an extra line feed.

  4. In Word, Toggle TeX will not convert a string with no operator (e.g., $abc$, \[2x\], etc. are not converted, but $abc+xyz$, \[2x-7\], etc. are converted).

  5. If MathType equations are grouped — either with other equations or with shapes or other objects — the best way to edit the equations is to ungroup, edit, then regroup. It's possible to double-click to edit an equation, but MathType will only open one equation in the group, and it may not be the one you want to edit.

  6. If using copy & paste to put equations into Word for Mac, some symbols will cause MathType to crash. The message that appears before the crash mentions a Translation Error. To prevent the impact, use the Insert Equation buttons on the MathType tab in Word, rather than using copy & paste.

MathML issues

  1. The gap is too wide between base and accent for some accented characters.

  2. MathML input: MathType does not render triple integral when pasted.

  3. MathType does not correctly render multi-character strings within a MathML <mi> element (e.g., with <mi>abc</mi>, abc is italicized).

  4. MathType has only limited support for MathML 3.


  1. Toolbar and icons are too small on some tablets.

  2. "Var" characters are not recognized (i.e., \varepsilon and \varphi)

MathType add-ins

For Google Docs

  1. Equations do not align vertically with the text. This is a limitation of Google Docs, not an issue with MathType.

  2. Equations are lower resolution than text. This is also a limitation of Google Docs and affects the display only. Equations still print at full resolution.

  3. When inserting a suggestion with a formula (in Suggesting mode -- see screenshot), the formula is not considered part of the suggestion, thus if you reject the suggestion, the formula remains. This, too, is a limitation of Google Docs and not MathType.

  4. If you insert a formula and then change its properties to floating (positionable -- either Wrap text or Break text), it won't be editable in that state. If you need to edit it, you can change it back to In line, edit it, then change it back to floating. You may need to reposition it.

  5. Cannot insert equations in footnotes. This is a limitation of Google Docs, not MathType.

For Office Online

  1. When you open an existing document with equations created in MathType 7, you can convert the equations to the MathType Add-in format, please follow this link to learn more.