MathPage Settings
Several values that control MathPage may be overridden. On the Mac, these values can be stored in the file MathPageUserSettings.ini, located in the MathPage folder inside the MathType folder. On Windows, store the values in the registry under the following keys:
If a value is not defined, MathPage uses the default value shown below.
JavaScript Warning and Status Messages
OldJSMsg - message that displays in the browser when an old JavaScript file is used
default: "Warning: this MathPage document requires a newer JavaScript file and may not display correctly."
MissingJSMsg - message that displays in the browser when the JavaScript support file is missing
default: "MathPage Javascript file missing; equations and symbols will not display."
IECompatMsg - message that displays when a page is generated for Windows IE5 or later but is viewed in another browser:
default: "Warning: this MathPage document was generated for Windows IE5 or later only and may not display correctly."
MinBrowserMsg - message that displays when a pre-version 4 browser is used
default: "Warning: MathPage requires a version 4 or later browser."
HidePopupMsg - message that displays when the user moves the mouse pointer over a MathZoom popup
default: "Click on a MathZoom equation to dismiss it, or shift-Click to close all."
ShowPopupMsg - message that displays when the user moves the mouse pointer over an equation
default: "Click on an equation to show the enlarged MathZoom version."
MathZoom Popup Style Settings
PopupBkgndColor - the background color used for MathZoom popups
default: "#FFFFCC"
PopupBorderStyle - the border style to use for MathZoom popups
default: "solid blue 1px"
PopupPadding - the amount of padding in pixels to use aroung MathZoom popups
default: "5"
PopupOtherStyles - any other CSS styles to apply to each MathZoom popup
default: "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.DropShadow(color=#444444,offx=3,offy=3,positive=1)" },
PopupZoom - the zoom percentage to use for MathZoom popups
default: "150"
Miscellaneous settings
PrintDPI - the DPI to use when generating print GIFs.
default: "300"
Supporting Files - a semicolon-delimited list of files to copy from the MathType\MathPage directory
default: "[DOCDIR]mathpage.js;[SUPPDIR]empty.gif" [DOCDIR] will copy the file to the same directory as the document [SUPPDIR] will copy the file to the supporting files folder, i.e. MyDocument_files
RemoveIEComments - removes all Windows IE5+-only comments from the document
default: "0" Comments that are removed are understood by IE5 and later only, and take two forms: "Downlevel-hidden" - understood by IE5 and later only and are embedded in HTML comments, and therefore are ignored by browsers other than Windows IE5 and later. Example: "<!--[if vml]>...<[endif]--> "Downlevel-revealed" - embedded as regular tags, which themselves are ignored as unknown tags by non-Windows/IE5+ browsers, but the content is always rendered. Example: "<![if !ie5]>this is not an IE5 browser<![endif]> See
MP_KeepWordHTMLFile - debugging tool to retain the intermediate Word HTML
default: "0"
MP_TranslationError - "1" inserts "***TRANSLATION ERROR***" into the document after any equation containing a translation error; "0" does not insert this text.
default: "1"
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