Keyboard shortcuts
Note 1: Shortcuts shown below and mentioned elsewhere in the documentation are based on a US English QWERTY keyboard. Most of the shortcuts are the same for other keyboards, but in some cases will be different. In all cases, you should be able to refer to MathType 7 Customize Keyboard dialog for the correct shortcut assignments.
Note 2: For shortcuts shown here, Shift may or may not be necessary, depending on the shortcut. In cases of alphabetic characters, we'll explicitly show Shift only when it's required. A shortcut of Ctrl+F (for example) does not require Shift , because the convention is to show the Shift key for alphabet characters only when it's required. For other shortcuts, Shift is required if it is normally required to type that character. For example, the shortcut Ctrl+< requires also pressing Shift , because Shift is always required to type a < symbol.
Shortcuts for formatting equation elements (same Windows/Mac, unless noted):
Insert Tab ( Ctrl+Tab )
New Line ( Enter / Return )
Nudge Down ( Ctrl+Down / Command+Down )
Nudge Left ( Ctrl+Left / Command+Left )
Nudge Right ( Ctrl+Right / Command+Right )
Nudge Up ( Ctrl+Up / Command+Up )
Rotate Fence Alignment ( Ctrl+Shift+A / Command+Shift+A )
Keyboard Modifiers (one-shots)
Shortcuts for specifying the style of the next character typed into the current equation:
Greek-Symbol One-Shot Ctrl+G , Mac: Command+G
Vector-Matrix One-Shot Ctrl+B , Mac: Command+B
User 1 One-Shot Ctrl+U , Mac: Command+U
User 2 One-Shot Ctrl+Alt+U , Mac: Command+Option+U
Shortcuts for modifying the method used to insert the next template entered with a keyboard shortcut:
Replace Selected Template One-Shot Ctrl+Q
Use Alternate Template Form One-Shot Ctrl+Shift+O , Mac: Command+Shift+O
Toolbar Commands
Commands for items appearing on the toolbar:
Dock or Float (Windows only) Ctrl+Alt+D
Commands for setting keyboard focus within the toolbar:
Focus to Symbol Palettes F2 or F5 , Mac: Command+F5
Focus to Template Palettes F6 , Mac: Command+F6
Focus to Small Bar F7 , Mac: Command+F7
Focus to Large Tabbed Bar F8 , Mac: Command+F8
Focus to Small Tabbed Bar F9 , Mac: Command+F9
Commands for setting keyboard focus within the Tabbed Bars:
Focus to Tab 1 "Algebra" Ctrl+F10 , 1 , Mac: Command+F10 , 1
Focus to Tab 2 "Derivs" Ctrl+F10 , 2 , Mac: Command+F10 , 2
Focus to Tab 3 "Statistics" Ctrl+F10 , 3 , Mac: Command+F10 , 3
Focus to Tab 4 "Matrices" Ctrl+F10 , 4 , Mac: Command+F10 , 4
Focus to Tab 5 "Sets" Ctrl+F10 , 5 , Mac: Command+F10 , 5
Focus to Tab 6 "Trig" Ctrl+F10 , 6 , Mac: Command+F10 , 6
Focus to Tab 7 "Geometry" Ctrl+F10 , 7 , Mac: Command+F10 , 7
Focus to Tab 8 "Tab 8" Ctrl+F10 , 8 , Mac: Command+F10 , 8
Focus to Tab 9 "Tab 9" Ctrl+F10 , 9 , Mac: Command+F10 , 9
Window Control
Commands for controlling the application's windows:
Keyboard Shortcuts for Symbols
Follow the links to reach detailed information about individual shortcuts.
Symbol Palettes

Relational Symbols

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Less-than or equal to from Symbol style Ctrl+K , ,
Greater-than or equal to from Symbol style Ctrl+K , .
Much less-than from Extra Math style
Much greater-than from Extra Math style
Precedes from Extra Math style
Succeeds from Extra Math style
Normal subgroup of from Extra Math style
Contains as normal subgroup from Extra Math style
Tilde operator from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , Alt+~
Almost equal to from Symbol style Ctrl+K , ~
Asymptotically equal to from Extra Math style
Approximately equal to from Symbol style
Not equal to from Symbol style Ctrl+K , +
Identical to from Symbol style Ctrl+K , =
Delta equal to from Extra Math style
Estimates from Extra Math style
Approaches the limit from Extra Math style
Proportional to from Symbol style Ctrl+K , P
Spaces and Ellipses

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Alignment mark Ctrl ;
Zero-width space Shift Space
1-point space Ctrl Alt Space or Ctrl K , 1
Thin space (1/6 EM) Ctrl Space or Ctrl K , 2
Thick space (1/3 EM) Ctrl+Shift Space or Ctrl K , 3
EM space Ctrl K , 4
Horizontal ellipsis from Extra Math style Ctrl . , _
Math-axis ellipsis from Extra Math style Ctrl . , -
Vertical ellipsis from Extra Math style Ctrl . , |
Up right diagonal ellipsis from Extra Math style Ctrl . , /
Down right diagonal ellipsis from Extra Math style Ctrl . , \

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Remove all embellishments
Prime Ctrl Alt '
Double prime Ctrl "
Triple prime Ctrl+6 , Alt '
Back prime Ctrl+6 , `
Not Ctrl+6 , N
Strike-through Ctrl+6 , Alt -
Cross-out Ctrl+6 , X
Slash (up) Ctrl+6 , /
Slash (down) Ctrl+6 , \
Single dot Ctrl Alt .
Double dot Ctrl+6 , 2
Triple dot Ctrl+6 , 3
Quad dot Ctrl+6 , 4
Under single dot Ctrl+6 , !
Under double dot Ctrl+6 , @
Under triple dot Ctrl+6 , #
Under quad dot Ctrl+6 , $
Over-bar Ctrl _
Tilde Ctrl+6 , ~
Arc (frown) Ctrl+6 , 9
Arc (smile) Ctrl+6 , 0
Hat Ctrl+6 , 6
Under bar Ctrl+6 , _
Under tilde
Under arc (frown) Ctrl+6 , (
Under arc (smile) Ctrl+6 , )
Right arrow Ctrl Alt%% -%%
Left arrow Ctrl+6 , Left
Double-headed arrow Ctrl+6 , Up
Right harpoon Ctrl+6 , Alt+Right
Left harpoon Ctrl+6 , Alt+Left
Under right arrow Ctrl+6 , Shift+Right
Under left arrow Ctrl+6 , Shift+Left
Under double-headed arrow Ctrl+6 , Shift+Up
Under right harpoon Ctrl+6 , Alt+Shift+Right
Under left harpoon Ctrl+6 , Alt+Shift+Left
Operator Symbols

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Plus-minus sign from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , =
Minus-plus sign from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , +
Multiplication sign from Symbol style Ctrl+K , T
Asterisk operator from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , *
Division sign from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , /
Circled plus from Symbol style
Circled times from Symbol style
Circled dot operator from Extra Math style
Dot operator from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , .
Medium dot operator (free radical) from Extra Math style
Bullet from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , 8
Composition from Extra Math style
Left-pointing angle bracket from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , <
Right-pointing angle bracket from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , >
Left white square bracket from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , [
Right white square bracket from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , ]
Arrow Symbols

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Left right arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Alt+Left
Rightwards arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Right
Leftwards arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Left
Up down arrow from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , Alt+Up
Upwards arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Up
Downwards arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Down
Left right double arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Alt+Shift+Left
Rightwards double arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+Right
Leftwards double arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+Left
Up down double arrow from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , Alt+Shift+Up
Upwards double arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+Up
Downwards double arrow from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+Down
Double arrow northeast southwest from Extra Math style
North east arrow from Extra Math style
South west arrow from Extra Math style
Double arrow northwest southeast from Extra Math style
South east arrow from Extra Math style
North west arrow from Extra Math style
Rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow from Extra Math style
Arrow rightwards over small arrow leftwards from Extra Math style
Small arrow rightwards over arrow leftwards from Extra Math style
Right harpoon over left harpoon from Extra Math style
Harpoon right over small harpoon left from Extra Math style
Small harpoon right over harpoon left from Extra Math style
Rightwards arrow from bar from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , Tab
Downwards arrow with corner leftwards from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Enter
Logical Symbols

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Therefore from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , T
Because or since from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , B
Small contains as member from Symbol style
There exists from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , E
For all from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , A
Not sign from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , N
Logical and from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , 7
Logical or from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , \
Set Theory Symbols

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Element of from Symbol style Ctrl+K , E
Not an element of from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+E
Union from Symbol style Ctrl+K , U
Intersection from Symbol style Ctrl+K , X
Union from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , Shift+U
Intersection from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , Shift+X
Subset of from Symbol style Ctrl+K , C
Superset of from Symbol style Ctrl+K , S
Subset of or equal to from Symbol style
Superset of or equal to from Symbol style
Not a subset of from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+C
Empty set from Symbol style Ctrl+K , O
Miscellaneous Symbols

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Partial differential from Symbol style Ctrl+K , D
Weierstrass elliptic symbol from Symbol style
Fraktur capital I from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+I
Fraktur capital R from Symbol style Ctrl+K , Shift+R
Alef symbol from Symbol style Ctrl+K , A
Blackboard-bold capital R from Extra Math style Ctrl+D , Shift+R
Blackboard-bold capital Z from Extra Math style Ctrl+D , Shift+Z
Blackboard-bold capital C from Extra Math style Ctrl+D , Shift+C
Blackboard-bold capital Q from Extra Math style Ctrl+D , Shift+Q
Blackboard-bold capital N from Extra Math style Ctrl+D , Shift+N
Infinity from Symbol style Ctrl+K , I
Planck constant over two pi from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , H
Latin small letter lambda with stroke from Extra Math style Ctrl+K , L
Script small L from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , L
Dagger from Function style
Greek capital letter Delta from Symbol style
Gradient (nabla) from Symbol style
Greek capital letter Omega from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , O
Inverted ohm sign from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , Shift+O
Diamond operator from Symbol style
N-ary summation from Symbol style
N-ary product from Symbol style
N-ary coproduct from Extra Math style
Integral from Symbol style
Degree sign from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , D
Angle from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , Shift+A
Measured angle from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , Alt+A
Spherical angle from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , Alt+Shift+A
Perpendicular from Symbol style Ctrl+Shift+K , P
Parallel to from Extra Math style Ctrl+Shift+K , |
White up-pointing triangle from Extra Math style
White square from Extra Math style
White rectangle from Extra Math style
White parallelogram from Extra Math style
White circle from Extra Math style
Greek Characters (Lowercase)

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Greek small letter alpha from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , A
Greek small letter beta from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , B
Greek small letter chi from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , C
Greek small letter delta from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , D
Greek small letter epsilon from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , E
Greek phi symbol from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , F
Greek small letter phi from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , J
Greek small letter gamma from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , G
Greek small letter eta from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , H
Greek small letter iota from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , I
Greek small letter kappa from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , K
Greek small letter lamda from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , L
Greek small letter mu from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , M
Greek small letter nu from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , N
Greek small letter omicron from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , O
Greek small letter pi from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , P
Greek pi symbol from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , V
Greek small letter theta from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Q
Greek theta symbol from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+J
Greek small letter rho from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , R
Greek small letter sigma from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , S
Greek small letter final sigma from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+V
Greek small letter tau from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , T
Greek small letter upsilon from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , U
Greek small letter omega from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , W
Greek small letter xi from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , X
Greek small letter psi from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Y
Greek small letter zeta from L.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Z
Greek Characters (Uppercase)

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Greek capital letter Alpha from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+A
Greek capital letter Beta from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+B
Greek capital letter Chi from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+C
Greek capital letter Delta from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+D
Greek capital letter Epsilon from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+E
Greek capital letter Phi from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+F
Greek capital letter Gamma from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+G
Greek capital letter Eta from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+H
Greek capital letter Iota from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+I
Greek capital letter Kappa from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+K
Greek capital letter Lamda from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+L
Greek capital letter Mu from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+M
Greek capital letter Nu from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+N
Greek capital letter Omicron from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+O
Greek capital letter Pi from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+P
Greek capital letter Theta from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+Q
Greek capital letter Rho from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+R
Greek capital letter Sigma from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+S
Greek capital letter Tau from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+T
Greek upsilon with hook symbol from U.C. Greek style
Greek capital letter Omega from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+W
Greek capital letter Xi from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+X
Greek capital letter Psi from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+Y
Greek capital letter Zeta from U.C. Greek style Ctrl+G , Shift+Z
Keyboard Shortcuts for Templates
Template palettes

Fence templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Parentheses, or round brackets Ctrl+9
Brackets, or square brackets Ctrl+[
Braces, or curly brackets Ctrl+{
Angle brackets (inner products, etc.) Ctrl+,
Single vertical bars (absolute value, determinant, etc.) Ctrl+T , |
Double vertical bars (norms)
Floor brackets
Ceiling brackets
Brackets denoting a type of interval
Brackets denoting a type of interval
Bra-ket (-ket)
Bra-ket (bra)
Brackets denoting a type of interval
Brackets denoting a type of interval
Brackets denoting a type of interval
Open brackets
Left parenthesis
Right parenthesis
Left bracket Ctrl+T , [
Right bracket Ctrl+T , ]
Left brace Ctrl+T , {
Right brace Ctrl+T , }
Left angle bracket Ctrl+T , <
Right angle bracket Ctrl+T , >
Left vertical bar
Right vertical bar
Left double bar
Right double bar
Left open bracket
Right open bracket
Upper horizontal brace
Lower horizontal brace
Upper horizontal bracket
Lower horizontal bracket
Fraction and radical templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Full-size fraction Ctrl+F
Reduced-size fraction Ctrl+T , Shift+F
Full-size diagonal fraction Ctrl+/
Reduced-size diagonal fraction Ctrl+T , ?
Slash fraction Ctrl+T , Alt+/ ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+/
Square root Ctrl+R
nth root Ctrl+T , N
Long division Ctrl+T , D
Long division with quotient Ctrl+T , Shift+D
Subscript and superscript templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Superscript Ctrl+H ; Mac: Command+E
Subscript Ctrl+L
Superscript and subscript Ctrl+J
Superscript to left of character
Subscript to left of character
Subscript and superscript to left of character
Over-script Ctrl+T , Shift+L
Under-script (limit) Ctrl+T , Alt+L ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+L
Over-script and under-script Ctrl+T , L
Large operator with superscript limit
Large operator with subscript limit
Large operator with superscript and subscript limits
Large operator with over-script limit Ctrl+T , Shift+O
Large operator with under-script limit Ctrl+T , Alt+O ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+O
Large operator with over-script and under-script limits Ctrl+T , O
Summation templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Summation with no limits Ctrl+T , Shift+S
Summation with underscript limit Ctrl+T , Alt+S ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+S
Summation with underscript and overscript limits Ctrl+T , S
Summation with subscript limit
Summation with subscript and superscript limits
Integral templates

Note: Integral templates you insert with the shortcuts given here will be "normal-sized" integrals. That is, they will not expand if the contents of the integrand is vertically larger than normal, like it would be if it includes a fraction, for example. To insert an integral symbol that expands with a larger-than-normal integrand, you must press Shift while clicking the integral template of your choice from the Integral templates palette.
For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Indefinite integral (no limits) Ctrl+Shift+I , !
Definite integral with overscript and underscript limits Ctrl+Shift+I , S
Definite integral with superscript and subscript limits Ctrl+I
Integral with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+S
Integral with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+1
Double integral with no limits Ctrl+Shift+I , @
Double integral with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , 2
Double integral with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+2
Triple integral with no limits Ctrl+Shift+I , #
Triple integral with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , 3
Triple integral with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+3
Contour integral with no limits Ctrl+Shift+I , Shift+C
Contour integral with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , C
Contour integral with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+C
Area integral with no limits Ctrl+Shift+I , Shift+A
Area integral with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , A
Area integral with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+A
Volume integral with no limits Ctrl+Shift+I , Shift+V
Volume integral with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , V
Volume integral with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+V
Integral with counter-clockwise loop without limits Ctrl+Shift+I , Shift+Left
Integral with counter-clockwise loop with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Left
Integral with counter-clockwise loop with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+Left
Integral with clockwise loop without limits Ctrl+Shift+I , Shift+Right
Integral with clockwise loop with underscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Right
Integral with clockwise loop with subscript limit Ctrl+Shift+I , Alt+Right
Underbar and overbar templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Tilde Ctrl+^ , ~
Hat Ctrl+^ , 6
Arc Ctrl+^ , 9
Joint status Ctrl+^ , J
Over-bar Ctrl+^ , -
Double over-bar Ctrl+^ , D
Under-bar Ctrl+^ , _
Double under-bar Ctrl+^ , Shift+D
Right arrow over-bar Ctrl+^ , Right
Left arrow over-bar Ctrl+^ , Left
Right harpoon over-bar Ctrl+^ , Alt+Right
Double-headed arrow over-bar Ctrl+^ , Up
Right arrow under-bar Ctrl+^ , Shift+Right
Left arrow under-bar Ctrl+^ , Shift+Left
Right harpoon under-bar Ctrl+^ , Alt+Shift+Right
Double-headed arrow under-bar Ctrl+^ , Shift+Up
Mid-line strike-through Ctrl+^ , Alt+-
Strike-through Ctrl+^ , X
Strike-through (bottom-left to upper-right) Ctrl+^ , /
Strike-through (top-left to bottom-right) Ctrl+^ , \
Labeled arrow templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Right arrow with upper text slot Ctrl+T , Shift+Right
Right arrow with lower text slot Ctrl+T , Alt+Right
Right arrow with upper and lower text slots Ctrl+T , Right
Left arrow with upper text slot Ctrl+T , Shift+Left
Left arrow with lower text slot Ctrl+T , Alt+Left
Left arrow with upper and lower text slots Ctrl+T , Left
Double-headed arrow with upper text slot Ctrl+T , Shift+Up
Double-headed arrow with lower text slot Ctrl+T , Alt+Up
Double-headed arrow arrow with upper and lower text slots Ctrl+T , Up
Double arrow with upper text slot
Double arrow with lower text slot
Double arrow with upper and lower text slots
Large over small arrow with upper text slot
Large over small arrow with lower text slot
Large over small arrow with upper and lower text slots
Small over large arrow with upper text slot
Small over large arrow with lower text slot
Small over large arrow with upper and lower text slots
Harpoons with upper text slot
Harpoons with lower text slot
Harpoons with upper and lower text slots
Large over small harpoon with upper text slot
Large over small harpoon with lower text slot
Large over small harpoon with upper and lower text slots
Small over large harpoon with upper text slot
Small over large harpoon with lower text slot
Small over large harpoon with upper and lower text slots
Products and set theory templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Product with no limits Ctrl+T , Shift+P
Product with underscript limit Ctrl+T , Alt+P ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+P
Product with underscript and overscript limits Ctrl+T , P
Product with subscript limit
Product with subscript and superscript limits
Coproduct with no limits Ctrl+T , Shift+C
Coproduct with underscript limit Ctrl+T , Alt+C ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+C
Coproduct with underscript and overscript limits Ctrl+T , C
Coproduct with subscript limit
Coproduct with subscript and superscript limits
Intersection with no limits Ctrl+T , Shift+I
Intersection with underscript limit Ctrl+T , Alt+I
Intersection with underscript and overscript limits Ctrl+T , I
Intersection with subscript limit
Intersection with subscript and superscript limits
Union with no limits Ctrl+T , Shift+U
Union with underscript limit Ctrl+T , Alt+U ; Mac: Command+T , Ctrl+U
Union with underscript and overscript limits Ctrl+T , U
Union with subscript limit
Union with subscript and superscript limits
Matrix templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
1 row, 2 column matrix
2 row, 1 column matrix
2 row, 2 column matrix Ctrl+M , 2 (Windows & Mac)
1 row, 3 column matrix
3 row, 1 column matrix
3 row, 3 column matrix Ctrl+M , 3 (Windows & Mac)
1 row, 4 column matrix
4 row, 1 column matrix
4 row, 4 column matrix Ctrl+M , 4 (Windows & Mac)
Variable-size row matrix
Variable-size column matrix
Variable-size matrix or table Ctrl+M , N (Windows & Mac)
Box templates

For Mac shortcuts, substitute Command key for Ctrl key, except as noted. Alt key is the same as Option .
Box (top and left sides)
Box (top and right sides)
Box (bottom and left sides)
Box (bottom and right sides)
Box Ctrl+Shift+T , X