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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

This function computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.


eigenvalues_and_vectors(Matrix, Field)


Given a matrix, this function returns its eigenvalues and eigenvectors over (repeated eigenvalues are not omitted). The output is a list: the odd positions correspond to eigenvalues and the even to eigenvectors. That is: at position 1, there is an eigenvalue, and its associated eigenvector is in position 2, and so on.


Given a matrix and a field F, this function returns its eigenvalues and eigenvectors over FF (repeated eigenvalues are not omitted). The output is a list: the odd positions correspond to eigenvalues and the even to eigenvectors. That is: at position 1, there is an eigenvalue, and its associated eigenvector is in position 2, and so on.
