WirisQuizzes User Interface
All mathematical content in a WIRIS question type is handled from WirisQuizzes Studio or Studio for short. Studio can always be accessed from a Wiris question type by pressing this icon:

Once we are in WirisQuizzes Studio, the available options will depend on the type of question we are editing. In this case, we are using a Short Answer type, which has the most features in Studio out of all the question types. We'll find settings for controlling various aspects of the question in a way that allows mathematical content to be handled flexibly.

WirisQuizzes Studio main section
In the initial screen, you can mainly control the answer field for the student and set the question's correct answer. This answer field will be different depending on the selected Answer type. You can see the possible options here.

Moreover, you can also add initial content to the editor so the students will see it when they open the question. Both sections have auxiliary texts to clarify the difference between the existing options.
Initial Content: The initial state of the answer editor that your students will see when attempting the question. You can lock it so students can't modify it as if they were answering a Fill in the Blank question. You can see how here.
Correct Answer: The place where you can enter the right answer for this question. You can modify the criteria used to compare it to your students' responses using the Validation options section.
At the upper left corner of the screen, you can find a new section named Getting started. It has the purpose of welcoming new users to the WirisQuizzes Studio and making their learning experience a little easier. You can learn how to get started with the product and enrol in our training services there.

To the editor's left, below the Getting started section, you can find two of the three main sections that will allow you to deepen into the multiple capabilities of the tool.

The other one, enabling you to create random variables, is set below the editor.

On the other hand, at the upper right corner of the screen, you can find a File menu to help you manage the question file. The question mark button guides you to our documentation website pages according to the section of the Studio you're in - answer types, input options, validation options, and random variables.

Finally, at the lower-left corner of the screen, you can find a preview section to simulate the question quickly without having to save or exit the question editor. Besides, you can also find the button to save the changes or to close WirisQuizzes Studio without doing so.

Answer type section
In the left sidebar, you can find the Answer type panel. When choosing the type of response, there are several options in which we expect the student's answer format. Each of them will involve different settings, but on this page, we will focus on the equation answer type interface (other interfaces are explained on the corresponding linked pages).

You can choose between the four possible options below:
Equation: Any mathematical expression, including those involving units and currencies. This is the default option, and it is probably the type you need in most cases. More details here.
Text: For pure text answers with no mathematical content. This option is rarely used. More details here.
Plotter: For geometric graphical answers drawn by the students. More details here.
Sketch: For geometric graphical answers drawn by the students using the handwriting mode. More details here.
Statistics charts: For statistics graphical answers drawn by the students. Bar charts, line charts and pie charts are currently available. More details here.
In previous versions of WirisQuizzes, you had to distinguish between mathematical expressions and quantities involving units. It won't be necessary from now on, and both options are included under the Equation option.
Settings section
Besides the Answer type section, in the same sidebar, you can find the Settings section. It's divided into the Input options section and the Validation options section.

Input options
In the Input options screen, it's possible to filter the shown options from the beginning, based on an analysis of the correct answer. Thus, only the most relevant options will appear, clearing the window of all the possibilities that the tool offers that may not be of interest.

However, you can always select the Show all options box if you want to take a look at all the entry possibilities. From here, if they are all displayed, the window is divided into three sections.
Compound answer
In Short answer questions, you can ask for more than one answer to a single question. You can choose to grade the whole question as incorrect if any of the answers are not accurate or give each answer a weight in the grade. For more details, see this page: Compound answer.

Answer input method
The Answer input method section is divided into three. The first one is named Answer input field.

Here, you can choose the answer field for the student from the following options:
Math editor embedded: Select this for the student to use an embedded editor (default).
Math editor in a popup: Select this for the student to use a small input box with a button to insert formulas with our editor.
Plain text: Select this for the student to use a small input box with no formula editor.
One of the above three is always selected. Below, you can find the second subsection named Auxiliary input.

Here, you can choose what kind of additional entry you want to offer to the students. There are also three options:
Display auxiliary CalcMe: You can supply your students with our online calculator while answering the question and set initial content for the calculator if desired. Keep in mind that the calculator can do a lot more than numerical computations!
Display auxiliary text field: You can provide your students with a text editor to make them include the reasoning they have followed to answer the question. For more details, see this page: Auxiliary input.
Don't show auxiliary input: Don't show the auxiliary CalcMe calculator nor the additional text editor in the input field for the student's answer.
One of the above three is always selected. Below, you can find the final subsection named Initial content.

Here you can decide whether you want to lock the initial content or not. If this setting is enabled, the student will only be able to fill in the boxes of the initial content.
For the moment, it's not possible to use this feature with matrices nor the handwriting mode due to MathType limitations. We'll work to enable it as soon as possible.
Input syntax
Finally, you can find the Input syntax section, where you select what kind of input is expected from the student and how the correct answer is validated against the student answer. The primary function of many of the options is to decide how syntax checking works on the student side. For example, [0,1) is usually highlighted as the incorrect syntax unless we choose the Intervals option. The section is divided into several parts, explained below.
Firstly, you can choose which symbols are recognized as mathematical constants instead of variables (e.g., if is enabled, then will be understood as –1). You can also define more constants at the Define random variables and functions pannel.

Secondly, you can choose which function names are recognized by their usual meaning (e.g., if exp/log is enabled, then "ln(2)" will be understood and calculated as 0.6931...).

Then, you can choose which units are recognized. Notice that any of them is selected by default; you will have to enable manually those units in which you are interested.

In addition, you can also choose which unit prefixes are recognized. Again, you have to enable it manually, as they are all unselected by default.

Afterwards, you can define which of the following constructions are allowed as correct answers.

You can see a detailed description of each construction in the table below.
Option | Description | Default |
Mixed fractions | Allow mixed fractions to be recognized. Without this option, a number next to a fraction is understood to be multiplying it. | Unselected |
Lists | Allow lists as answers. Otherwise, they are interpreted as parentheses. Options for list separators are shown below. | Selected |
Lists without enclosers | Allows lists not enclosed in curly brackets to be recognized as a list (e.g., if not selected, "4,7,88,9" would not be understood as a list: it would be highlighted as syntactically incorrect). | Unselected |
Intervals | Recognizes interval notation as valid syntax. Expressions like [0,1] are already useful without this, but now we may have, for instance, ]0,1] or (0,1]. More details here. | Unselected |
Ratios | Allows formulas like 2:3:5 to be interpreted as ratios. Otherwise, they are successive regular divisions. | Unselected |
Computer scientific notation | Allows formulas like 1.5e-5 or 1.5E-5 to be interpreted as decimal numbers in scientific notation. | Unselected |
See a detailed explanation of lists and sets here. See a detailed explanation of percentages and per mille use here.
Finally, you can decide which symbols act as separators by choosing the meaning of point, comma, and space symbols. Additionally, you can use apostrophes '
for decimal marks. You only have to check that º'"
are unselected as units of measure.

Validation options
As you have seen in the input options section, it is possible to filter the shown options from the beginning, based on an analysis of the correct answer. Thus, only the most relevant options will appear, clearing the window of all the possibilities that the tool offers that may not be of interest.

However, you can always select the Show all options box if you want to take a look at all the entry possibilities. From here, if they are all displayed, the window is divided into four sections.
Comparison with student answer
Once you have decided what format you expect the student answer to be in, you have a few options for how their response should be compared to the correct one.

You can see a detailed description of each option in the table below.
Comparison with student answer criteria | ||
Literally equal | This removes all mathematical interpretations from the comparison. The student's answer is only correct if it matches the correct answer exactly. For example, if the correct answer is 4, but the student writes 4.0, it will not be counted. This criterion is rarely recommended. | |
Mathematically equal | This is the default comparison. It will detect if what the student has written is mathematically equal to the correct answer. For example, we don't need to worry if the student writes a + b or b + a. You can find three checkboxes below to choose if order and repetition are ignored or not from lists. | |
Compare as lists/sets | Order and repetition matter in lists: When checked, the elements in the student's answer must be in the same order and appear the same number of times as in the correct answer. | |
Repetition matters in lists, but order does not: When checked, the elements in the student's must appear the same number of times as in the correct answer, but not necessarily in the same order. | ||
Order and repetition don't matter in lists: When checked, order and repetition are ignored from lists. So, if the correct answer is the set {1,5,2}, then {5,5,5,2,1} (for example) would be accepted. | ||
Equivalent equations | This comparison is very similar to the mathematically equal option. Still, it is for the particular case where the answer is an equation (e.g. the student could write , or , or any equivalent form). | |
Any answer | Anything that the student answers will be counted as correct. This is useful in some cases. | |
Grading function | Define your own function to decide which answers are accepted and how to grade them. This is an advanced feature. |
In the Numbers section, we specify the tolerance criteria used to compare the student's answer and the correct answer. These settings apply globally (to the entire question), and they are divided into four. Firstly, you need to choose if you want the answer to be symbolic or not.

If you select this option, any answer expressed with decimal numbers will be graded as incorrect. It must be a combination of operations, fractions, roots, and functions to do so. If it's enabled, it will be the only option available.
Otherwise, you can specify the tolerance criteria used to compare the student's answer and the correct answer.

You can choose between the three possible options:
Exact answer: This option requires the student's response to be exactly equal to the correct answer.
Error margin: This option requires the student's answer strictly within the tolerance interval. You can define this margin as a percent error or an absolute error. It's selected by default at 0,1 percent error.
Matching digits: This option requires the student's answer to match the first significant figures or decimal places with the correct answer.
You can see more details about the tolerance available options here.
Below, you can choose the format in which you want to require the student's answer.

You can choose between the three possible options:
Scientific notation: This option requires the student's answer to be expressed in normalized scientific notation.
Decimal notation: This option requires the student's answer to be expressed in plain decimal notation.
Any notation: This option allows the student's answer to be expressed either in scientific or decimal. It's selected by default.
You can see more details about the format available options here.
Below, you can define a precision that requires the student's answer. It allows you to check the minimum and the maximum number of significant figures or decimal places the student answer must-have.

Sometimes it's not just the value of the answer that's important, but also its form. This usually happens when you teach basic algebraic manipulation and want the answer in a particular format.

You can see a detailed description of each option in the table below.
Specific property | Correct examples | Wrong examples | |
Simplified | It checks whether the expression cannot be simplified. Includes fractions, powers and roots, polynomials... | ||
Expanded | It checks whether all operations that can be done are performed | ||
Factorized | It checks whether an integer or a polynomial is expressed as product of primes | ||
Common factors | It checks whether the summands of the answer have no common factors | ||
Common denominator | It checks whether the answer has a single common denominator | ||
Rationalized | It checks whether the expression does not have square (or higher) roots in the denominator. It also checks whether the expression has a pure real denominator (in the case of complex numbers) | ||
Minimal radicands | It checks whether any present radicands are minimal | ||
Match unit of measure | It checks whether the unit of the answer is literally equal to the given one | , given | , given |
For a complete and advanced description of all the properties, see assertions.
Random variables section
The Random variables section is at the core of many of WirisQuizzes capabilities. You can make questions dynamic by adding random variables to the question's statement and to the Correct answer field accordingly. If your question only involves integer independent variables, you can use the Basic mode to define these values easily.

On the other hand, if you want to generate a more complex algorithm, you need to use the computer algebra system (CAS) by clicking on the Advanced mode button.

If you're familiar with CalcMe, then you have a head start. If not, it's easy to get started. You can think of it as an extensive scientific calculator, but it can also manipulate symbolic equations. You can always check CalcMe basic guide.

Below is a detailed description of both procedures and more information regarding when and how to use each.
Basic mode
The basic mode allows you to add up to five random variable groups to your question by clicking on the Add variable button.

For the moment, these variables need to be integers, and they can't be dependent on the previously defined ones.
Declaring variables
Variables are defined by writing a name for a variable next to the pound symbol # and the minimum and maximum value between which it's comprised.

There are two details to note:
The variable's name can be any letter or word without spaces, excluding reserved words (e.g.
).The minimum and maximum values can be any integer value such that the first one is less or equal than the second one.
Inserting variables
Those are the basics of how variables function inside of WirisQuizzes Studio works. What's very important, though, is to know how to use these variables outside of Studio.
To include a variable anywhere within a question type, write a pound symbol # followed by the name of the variable (e.g. #a
). So we could include the above values in a question just like this:

This would appear to the student as:

It's also possible to insert these variables in the question's feedback. Furthermore, you can use the student's answer there. Learn how to do it here.
Variables evaluation
When defining the question's correct answer, we can expect the corresponding expression to be displayed as we have written it, or we want to evaluate it before showing the result to the students. To do so, we need to use the evaluate()
command and insert the variables to be simplified as its argument.

If we don't use the command mentioned above and just type , the correct answer will be displayed, as you can see below.

It won't suppose any validation problem, as the student's answer will be compared following the corresponding assertions as usual. We only recommend using the evaluate()
command to display the correct answer in a more compact way.
Transferring variables to CalcMe
You can automatically convert these basic random variables to the advanced mode if you wish. Thus, you will be able to add more variables and restrictions using all CalcMe resources.

The same happens if you delete a random variable from the quick edition mode, it will disappear from the advanced mode automatically.
Below you will find a detailed description of how CalcMe works within WirisQuizzes Studio.
Advanced mode (CalcMe)
If you want to generate a more complex algorithm where variables may be correlated or not integers, you need to use the computer algebra system (CAS). You can open it by clicking on the Advanced mode button.

What you see is CalcMe. You can think of it as an extensive scientific calculator, but it can also manipulate symbolic equations. You can always check CalcMe basic guide for further details.
Declaring variables
Variables are defined by writing a name for a variable, an equal sign, and an expression on the right-hand side. For example:

If you used CalcMe before, you might have noticed some differences with previous versions. You can see further details about the new procedure to declare variables here.
Within this field, variables can be manipulated and acted on, and new variables can be defined from old ones, just as on paper. For instance:

There are two details to note:
The left-hand side can be any letter or word without spaces, excluding reserved words (e.g.
).The right-hand side can be any reasonable mathematical expression, numerical (as in the first variable above) or algebraic (as in the second).
Algorithm language
The algorithm field is available in multiple languages. By default, the language of the CAS will be the same as Moodle or English as the fallback. But you can choose another one of the available languages.
If you change the CalcMe language, then any existing algorithm will be automatically translated. This is very useful if you have algorithms in other languages, like the ones in the STEM collection.

Inserting variables
Those are the basics of how variables function inside of WirisQuizzes Studio works. What's very important, though, is to know how to use these variables outside of Studio.
To include a variable anywhere within a question type, write a pound symbol # followed by the name of the variable (e.g. #a
). So we could include the above polynomial in a question just like this:

This would appear to the student as:

It's also possible to insert these variables in the question's feedback. Furthermore, you can use the student's answer there. Learn how to do it here.
Random variables
Perhaps the most important use of variables is introducing randomness in a question. There is a simple instruction in CalcMe that generates random numbers, random()
. For example,

Generates a random number between -10 and 10. This could then be used in the question text, as we have seen. The result is that each time the question is opened, a random value for a
is used. So, students viewing the same question will see potentially different values.
There are many ways to use the random()
command, and we list a few of them in the basic guide. Similarly, you can see take a look to the dedicated page if you want to see examples of questions that use randomness at different levels.
Output options
Different countries, education levels, or textbooks use different notations. You can configure some output options in the Application settings section inside CalcMe to better match the notation you use.
These options apply only to the values generated in the Algorithm field, i.e. the variables. All generated values will be in the same notation; you can not create values in different notations.

Imaginary unit
Choose between i
and j
(often used in electrical engineering).

Times operator
Choose between middle dot ·
and cross x
. Set Implicit to hide all non-necessary products, that is, implicit products.

Precision must be an integer between 1 and 15 included, and it can be set as Significant figures or Decimal places. By default, it is Precision = 4 significant figures
All notations usually imply a rounding. When rounding, the rule used for tie-breaking is half-up.

Visit our dedicated page for complete detailed information about tolerance, precision, and notation.
These notations apply only to decimal numbers. Numbers and expressions without a decimal point are exact, so these notations don't apply to them. You can always convert an explicit expression to decimal by multiplying by 1.0
, for instance.

Visit our dedicated page for complete detailed information about tolerance, precision, and notation.
Choose the symbol for the decimal mark. Available options depend on the Validation options section symbols in Options... > Separators marked as Decimal digits. Trailing decimal points of integer numbers are never shown.

Choose the symbol for the digit groups separator, that is, thousands separator. Available options depend on the Validation options section symbols in Options... > Separators marked as Digit groups.

List items
Choose the symbol for the list items separator. Available options depend on the Validation options section symbols in Options... > Separators marked as List items.

Test this question
The Test this question section allows you to simulate the question behaviour quickly, without saving, exiting the question editor, etc. Specifically, you can test evaluation criteria, automatic feedback, and variables. The preview interface looks like this:

We will now examine the separate elements of the preview panel.
Student answer
This is a formula editor exactly as the student will have, where you can write a test answer.

It's easy to see the toolbar in the editor window presented to the student is different from the MathType toolbar you usually see. This more straightforward toolbar is easier to navigate and contains all the symbols and templates the student will likely need when answering quizzes. See the Toolbar and icons page in the MathType docs for complete toolbar documentation.
Correct answer
The correct answer will be shown in the blank on the left. Click the arrow button to input the correct answer into the answer blank above automatically. If any variables are defined in the variable tab, there will also be a refresh icon
. When clicked, all algorithms are executed again. In particular, any random elements will be newly generated.

The defined feedback will be shown in the blank below. If more than one property is required, it will lead us to which student's answer satisfies and which does not.

Import and Export
You can Export and Import the contents of WirisQuizzes Studio.

The Export button will immediately download an XML file containing all settings of all tabs of the studio. Your browser will automatically save this file or ask you where to put it, like any other download. If you are using Studio inside an LMS (Moodle, Canvas,…), then be aware you are not exporting the question; you are exporting only the Studio settings.
The Import button is the reverse action of Export. You can use Export and Import to help you to:
Move algorithms between questions.
Change the type of a question, for instance, from shortanswer into multichoice.
Move questions between LMS, for instance, from Moodle to Canvas.
Provide detailed bug reports to support@wiris.com.
WirisQuizzes is multilingual, and it is today available in the following languages:
Language | Original name | Configuration code |
Catalan | català | ca |
Danish | dansk | da |
English | English | en |
French | français | fr |
German | Deutsch | de |
Greek | ελληνικά | el |
Italian | italiano | it |
Norwegian bokmal | norsk bokmål | nb |
Norwegian nynorsk | norsk nynorsk | nn |
Portuguese | português | pt |
Portuguese Brazilian | português brasileiro | pt_br |
Spanish | español | es |
Russian | Русский | ru |
Chinese | 简体中文 | zh |