WirisQuizzes Online Training
Regular Training Program | Extended Training Program | |
Price per user | Free | 180€ ($200) |
Duration | 8h | 15h |
✓ | ✓ | |
✗ | ✓ | |
60 Questions repository | ✗ | ✓ |
Tutored | ✗ | ✓ |
We offer online training in English and Spanish that will teach you how to create questions with WirisQuizzes and become familiar with its features. The Regular Training Program is free of charge, but you can choose an optional and more complete Extended Training Program. For a fee of 180€ ($200) per user, this extended version offers the Extended course, additional tutoring, and the possibility of obtaining a WirisQuizzes certification.
You can enrol yourself in the WirisQuizzes online training here. For more information about it, write to training@wiris.com.
WirisQuizzes Training comprises several sections and lessons. We'll describe each of these lessons in the following areas.
WirisQuizzes Regular Course

The WirisQuizzes Regular Course is geared towards those who are new to WirisQuizzes and wish to learn the essentials of creating and evaluating questions with mathematical content.
This course covers the following competencies. You will:
Get acquainted with the WirisQuizzes Studio user interface and its capabilities.
Be familiarized with the interface and learn to use the most basic CalcMe commands.
Get an initial look at the commands that introduce randomness.
Learn about the different types of questions that WirisQuizzes offers and in what contexts they can be helpful.
Create questions of all kinds without algorithms and with fundamental algorithms.
Introduction to WirisQuizzes
Before going into detail about the types of existing questions and their uses, it is essential to look at the user interface elements to become familiar with them and use them efficiently. In the Regular course, you will focus on the basics of WirisQuizzes Studio, the tool holding practically all the power of WirisQuizzes and from which you will define a large part of the math content of the question.

Introduction to CalcMe
CalcMe is the computation and graphing engine at the heart of WirisQuizzes , so learning to use CalcMe is fundamental. It's essential to understand its interface well before generating variables and algorithms with CalcMe . In the Regular course, you will learn how to use CalcMe most simple commands and those which will be the most useful to you at the start.

Available options in WirisQuizzes questions
When you create a question with WirisQuizzes, it is essential to know the different types of questions available to choose the most suitable one for the content you need to create. In the Regular course, you will see the various features of each question type, together with everyday use examples.

Furthermore, you will learn how to add randomization into the creation of variables and other CalcMe tools. To enhance the questions you write, you can create variables with random values so each student will see a different question than other students.

If these manuals are not enough for you, you can always enrol on the Extended version to complete the advanced course and the certification. We are sure you are not going to regret it.
WirisQuizzes Extended Course
The WirisQuizzes Extended Course is aimed at those who wish to approach this powerful tool to create and evaluate mathematical content questions. It goes from the very beginning to an advanced user level for those who haven't used it before.
Besides the content presented in the Regular training (you will find the same lessons if you enrol the Extended), this course covers the following competencies. You will:
Search and locate the information in the CalcMe documentation.
Create advanced algorithms with CalcMe (create and represent functions, comprehension lists...).
Create questions with validation parameters of the student's response.
Use programming tools when generating algorithms with CalcMe.
Use the student's response using the response parameter.
Create questions that require the use of qualification functions for validation.
Understand the usefulness of random seed in a questionnaire.
By enrolling in the Extended training instead of the Regular one, you will have access to a repository with 60 questions of different mathematical fields so you can inspire yourself or use them as we have written them in your classroom.
CalcMe commands
In this course, you'll see a detailed analysis of some of the more essential algorithms available in CalcMe (create & represent functions and comprehension lists, to name two).

Besides, you will learn how to use programming tools when generating algorithms with CalcMe To create lists, sets, variables, functions, and much more, it's essential to know the programming options of CalcMe.

Validation options in WirisQuizzes
Create questions with validation parameters of the student's response. When you create a question, apart from its phrasing and the algorithm, it is essential to consider what answers from the student you want to grade as correct, giving special attention to its value and format. You can control these fields with the validation settings.

Advanced functionalities in questions with WirisQuizzes
It's possible to use the student's answer in different sections of WirisQuizzes. For example, you can maximize learning by giving specific feedback to the student depending on their answer to a question. You can also link different questions on a quiz using the random seed.

Besides, when editing a question, WirisQuizzes offers a wide range of options to compare the student's answer with the correct answer. However, specific rules are sometimes necessary to determine if an answer is correct. It's the grading functions that make it possible to apply these rules. When you write the question, you define a formula that analyzes the student's answer and decides whether or not it is correct. By doing so, you open up more specific evaluations than those available in the WirisQuizzes Validation options section.