CKEditor 5 services

The following instructions allows to customizate MathType Web Integration services CKEditor 5.

Install instructions


To install the Java services follow the steps below:

  1. Download the MathType Web Integration Services - Java package.
  2. Deploy the pluginwiris_engine war file.
  3. Add mathTypeParameters to CKEditor5 with the configuration below:
    ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#example' ), {
            plugins: [ ..., MathType, ... ],
            toolbar: {
                items: [
            language: 'en',
            // MathType Parameters
            mathTypeParameters : {
                serviceProviderProperties : {
                    URI : '/pluginwiris_engine/app/configurationjs',
                    server : 'java'


To install the PHP services follow the steps below:

  1. Download the MathType Web Integration Services - PHP package.
  2. Copy the generic_wiris/integration folder into your project. For this example we are assuming that the services are located at DOCUMENT_ROOT/php-services/
  3. Add mathTypeParameters to CKEditor5 with the configuration below:
    ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#example' ), {
            plugins: [ ..., MathType, ... ],
            toolbar: {
                items: [
            language: 'en',
            // MathType Parameters
            mathTypeParameters : {
                serviceProviderProperties : {
                    URI : 'http://localhost/php-services/integration',
                    server : 'php'


To install the PHP services follow the steps below:

  1. Download the MathType Web Integration Services - Aspx package.
  2. Copy the generic_wiris/integration folder into your project. For this example we are assuming that the services are located at DOCUMENT_ROOT/aspx-services/
  3. Add mathTypeParameters to CKEditor5 with the configuration below:
    ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#example' ), {
            plugins: [ ..., MathType, ... ],
            toolbar: {
                items: [
            language: 'en',
            // MathType Parameters
            mathTypeParameters : {
                serviceProviderProperties : {
                    URI : 'http://localhost/aspx-services/integration',
                    server : 'aspx'

Ruby on Rails

To install the Ruby on Rails services follow the steps below:

  1. Download the MathType Web Integration Services - Ruby on Rails package.
  2. Instal the wirispluginengine.gem gem.
        gem install -l wirispluginengine.gem
  3. Add mathTypeParameters to CKEditor5 with the configuration below:
    ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#example' ), {
            plugins: [ ..., MathType, ... ],
            toolbar: {
                items: [
            language: 'en',
            // MathType Parameters
            mathTypeParameters : {
                serviceProviderProperties : {
                    URI : '/wirispluginengine/integrationn',
                    server : 'ruby'