MathPlayer User Manual
This manual describes how to use MathPlayer 4 to view and speak web pages containing math, as well as MathPlayer's usefulness with other products such as Word and PowerPoint. For additional details on creating your own math web pages, see MathPlayer and MathML Technology.
What does MathPlayer do?
MathPlayer can make documents more accessible by providing a means for assistive technology such as screen readers and screen magnifiers to speak, navigate, and convert to braille math in those documents. As an example, MathPlayer works with NV Access' NonVisual Desktop (NVDA) to provide access to the math in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Word, and PowerPoint for Windows (MathType is also required to read math in Word and PowerPoint). MathPlayer can also work with Internet Explorer in Enterprise Mode to display the math in web pages
What is MathML?
MathML is a way of encoding mathematics using XML, developed under the auspices of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the group that sets the basic standards that define the web. Just as HTML is the computer language in which web pages are written, the math in a web page is written in the MathML language. When you browse to a web page containing MathML, Internet Explorer gives it to MathPlayer to display as standard math notation such as you would find in a textbook. A growing number of software packages including browsers, editors, computer algebra programs and publishing software use MathML to communicate. Unlike other ways of putting math in a web page, such as images and PDFs, MathML provides ways to directly encode various interactivity properties of an equation, which makes it an ideal choice for dynamic math on the web. Design Science has played a leading role in developing this important technology.
MathML 3
We have another page with details on the latest version of the MathML spec, MathML 3. Please see that page for more information.
Installing and Uninstalling MathPlayer
MathPlayer is available as a free download from our website. If you want to uninstall MathPlayer, use the Add/Remove Programs section of the Windows Control Panel or the Apps and Features dialog of recent Windows versions.
Using MathPlayer
MathPlayer with Firefox
With NV Access' NonVisual Desktop (NVDA), you can speak and braille math in Firefox. Download NVDA.
MathPlayer with Word and PowerPoint
MathPlayer 4 speaks, navigates, and brailles math with NV Access' NonVisual Desktop (NVDA) in Microsoft Word & PowerPoint. MathType is required for this capability. ****Speech and navigation also work with Window-Eyes software. See our separate page for MathPlayer Navigation Commands in Word.
During installation, MathPlayer adds a tab to the ribbon in Word and PowerPoint 2007 and later, 32-bit Office only. This is the tab from Word 2016. Its appearance is the same in other versions of Word, and in PowerPoint:

Toolbar commands
Speak. Speaks the selected equation. In Word, if there is not an equation currently selected, MathPlayer will search for the next MathType equation in the document and speak it. If there is not another equation in the document, it will stop at the end. In PowerPoint, equations must be selected in order for them to be spoken with the Speak button.
Navigate. Speaks the selected equation, with navigation keys enabled. For navigation commands, see our separate page for MathPlayer Navigation Commands in Word. When an equation is not selected, MathPlayer navigates to the next equation in the document and speaks that equation, with navigation keys enabled.
Settings. Opens the MathPlayer Settings dialog shown below.
Help. Opens the MathPlayer Manual (i.e., this page), focused on the MathPlayer Settings section below. There must be an active internet connection or this command will fail. Note: All of these items have keyboard equivalents and can be used with other assistive technology such as JAWS to speak and navigate the math.
MathPlayer with Internet Explorer
Displaying math in Internet Explorer (IE) makes use of an IE feature that allows programs to participate in the layout of the page. However, Microsoft removed that feature in IE11 and so MathPlayer can only run in a legacy mode called Enterprise Mode. You can turn on Enterprise Mode from the IE Tools menu. The shortcut is "Alt+T, Alt+R, Enter". You only need to do this once per page you wish to view, as the mode setting will be remembered the next time you visit the page. Note: Enterprise Mode will not appear as an item in the Tools menu unless MathPlayer 4 is installed.
Accessibility and Screen Readers
Users of Internet Explorer who have visual or learning disabilities use screen reader software packages that speak the words on the page. Many of the most popular Windows screen readers, such as NVDA, Window-Eyes, JAWS, HAL, Supernova, Serotek System Access, MAGic, Read & Write and BrowseAloud, will work with MathPlayer to speak the math in the page along with the words.
Using MathPlayer with MathJax
MathJax is a JavaScript renderer that displays MathML in all browsers, but MathPlayer only works with MathJax in Internet Explorer. When viewing a web page in IE and MathJax detects MathPlayer, it hands over rendering to MathPlayer because MathPlayer is much faster and MathPlayer is accessible. This is typically done automatically. However, some configurations of MathJax disable this automatic handover. If this happens, you can force MathJax to use MathML for that site. To do so:
Right click
Choose: MathSettings:MathRenderer:MathML
When you do so, you may get a dialog saying "Internet Explorer requires the MathPlayer plugin in order to process MathML output. Switch the renderer anyway?" You must click or tap "OK" in order to switch to MathPlayer. Also keep in mind the restrictions above with regard to using MathPlayer in IE11.
If you wish to get MathPlayer's contextual menu, you can do so by
Right click
Choose: MathSettings:MathPlayer:Menu Events
Once you switch to MathPlayer's contextual menu, you can temporarily switch to MathJax's menu by Alt+clicking an equation. This is a one-at-a-time switch. Once you dismiss the MathJax menu, subsequent right-clicks will result in the MathPlayer menu being displayed. You can switch the default contextual menu back to MathJax's menu by performing a similar procedure:
Choose: MathSettings:MathPlayer:Menu Events
MathPlayer Settings Dialog
Clicking MathPlayer Settings... on the contextual menu, or clicking Settings on the MathPlayer tab in Word or PowerPoint will launch the MathPlayer Settings Dialog. This dialog contains three tabs, from which you can tweak MathPlayer's options.
Speech tab

Generate speech for: Clicking on Blindness changes MathPlayer's speech so that fractions, roots, superscripts, etc., are bracketed with words such as "fraction…end fraction". For those with some sight, choosing Learning disabilities or Low vision produces speech without those bracketing words. There is currently no difference between Learning disabilities and Low vision. We provide the Learning disabilities setting for future enhancements.
Language: The default value is the system's default language. The dropdown lists all languages for which we have a translation (currently 15). It also has "(document language)" which means MathPlayer uses the language declared in the document. You must have a speech engine capable of speaking in the chosen language. Some assistive technology may override these settings and use settings in their software.
Speech style: The style of speech MathPlayer uses when speaking math. For English, we have three: Clear Speak, MathSpeak, and Simple Speech. For other languages, there is only one. We anticipate adding more styles in future releases. The default value is Simple Speech.
Clear Speak: The goal of Clear Speak is to create rules for synthetic speech for math expressions typical of high school-level Algebra that produce speech that is similar to speech used in typical classrooms. See the ClearSpeak section of our website for more information.
MathSpeak: Speaks math in a manner that closely follows the Nemeth code. See the gh MathSpeak™ page for more information.
Simple Speech: Speaks common, simple expressions such as 1/x without extra words. More complicated expressions will have begin/end words to clearly disambiguate where the notation begins and ends.
Speech amount: Controls amount of speech used to speak an expression. If you are an expert, you might prefer a "Terse" reading but if you are learning math or don't use it frequently, you might want to choose "Full". Default: Full. Other values are Medium and Terse.
Subject area to be used…: Adds specialized rules for the given subject area. Many notations are ambiguous and selecting a subject area helps MathPlayer generate more appropriate speech for that subject area. This list currently allows only a single selection. The default value is General. Other values are Geometry, Probability and Statistics, and Calculus.
Speech for Chemical Formulas: Three choices. The first choice, Spell it out, would read the formula as a human might -- "H 2 O", for example. As Compound will read common compounds with their names, and less-common compounds will be spelled out. Finally, if this option is Off, the formula would be read similarly to a math formula, using the rules chosen in the Speech style section.
Braille tab
There is only one item on the Braille tab:
Braille math code for refreshable displays: Currently supported codes are Nemeth, Marburg, UKMaths, and Woluwe.