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Installation/uninstallation: MathFlow for XMetaL

Main installation steps

The following steps will guide you through the installation process. After running the installer, review the additional installation steps below to complete the configuration.

  1. Double-click the file MathFlow (XX-bit).msi.

  2. Click OK to begin the formal installation wizard. Review each dialog and proceed through the wizard by clicking Next.

  3. The installer will give you a choice of where to install the various installation files. By default, MathFlow will install into your XMetaL Author installation directory.

  4. Once you have confirmed the settings in the pre-installation summary, click Install. The installer will display a progress bar as files are copied.

  5. Click Finish when prompted at the end of the installation.

Once the MathFlow installation is completed, your system will contain the necessary MathFlow files and folders, which include the following:

  • Documentation — the entire set of documentation files can be found as noted previously in the Overview section.

  • Application files and executables — the Windows DLLs are placed in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author directory. There is a single .jar file, MathFlow which is placed in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\[MF] directory.

  • A sample document type, Journalist_math — an example to illustrate how to configure MathFlow for a document type. The Journalist_math files are located in their respective directories. A sample document, demo.xml, using the Journalist_math DTD, is located in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\Samples\Journalist_math directory.

The original project files for Journalist_math are located in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\[MF]\developer\author directory.

  • Stylesheet for XHTML+MathML output. MathFlow installs a stylesheet for XHTML+MathML output at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\XMetaL Shared\DITA_OT\demo\xhtmls\xsl\singlexhtml.xsl. (For 32-bit systems, omit (x86) from the path.)

This stylesheet is a simple modification of the singlehtml.xsl stylesheet. The main differences are the output type is changed from 'html' to 'xml' and rules are added to the end of the file to pass along any MathML content. You can find further instructions for using this file at XHTML+MathML Output.

  • A sample XMetaL ActiveX application — this sample application is located in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\[MF]\activex\XMActiveX_[MF]HtmlSample directory. If you have XMetaL ActiveX installed (either because you installed XMetaL Developer or you have previously downloaded the XMetaL ActiveX control), you can view this sample. Open XMetaLActiveX.html in Internet Explorer to begin.

The project files for this example are located in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\[MF]\developer\activex directory.

  • A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) — the MathFlow Editor uses Java, and therefore needs a JRE to run. The installer puts one in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\[MF]\jre directory. If you need to change something about the way the Java runtime executes MathFlow this is the place to look.

Additional installation steps

License file

In order to be able to use MathFlow you need to have a license file installed. Obtaining a license file from us is a two-step process; see the MathFlow Licensing section for complete details.

MathFlow icon file

The installer places a file called in the <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\Icons directory. This file contains the reference to the XMetaL toolbar MathFlow icon. If you have not modified the original icons.ini file, you can simply rename the icons.ini file to icons.ini.old and rename the file to icons.ini. If XMetaL is running, restart it to see the icon on the toolbar.

If you have modified the original icons.ini file, add the following line to the end of the file:

14=[MF] (Custom)

You will need to assign a different number if 14 has already been used.

Character mapping

You may want to extend MathFlow use of fonts, symbols, and entities within XMetaL by setting up a character mapping file. More detailed information on character entities and codes can be found in the Mapping Entity Codes and Characters sections.


MathFlow may require additional mathematical fonts. Installation of these fonts, if required, is handled by the MathFlow installer without additional input.

To reinstall these mathematical fonts at a later date, you can find the font installer in <path‑to‑xmetal>\Author\[MF]\resources\Design Science Fonts. Double-click Setup.exe to begin font installation.

You have now completed the MathFlow for XMetaL installation.

Testing your installation

When you have completed the installation, you can test it by starting XMetaL and opening the file


Try double-clicking one of the equations to open it in the MathFlow Editor. If you can open the MathFlow Editor you are now ready to begin using MathFlow for XMetaL If the MathFlow Editor will not launch or you are experiencing some other problem after installing MathFlow please contact our support staff.

Once you have verified MathFlow is working properly, you will likely want to set up MathFlow to work with your own doctypes. Consult Math document type and Configuring MathFlow.

Continue reading through the next section for information on the different licensing options. If you want to get right to work on equations, skip ahead to Using MathFlow in XMetaL and the Tutorials.

Uninstalling MathFlow for XMetaL

To remove MathFlow follow this process:

  1. Choose Uninstall MathFlow from the MathFlow 2.1 for XMetaL X.X submenu of the Windows Start menu (where "X.X" is the XMetaL version number).


Open the Apps and Features control panel. Select MathFlow 2.1 for XMetaL X.X and click Uninstall/Change.

  1. This will launch the Uninstall MathFlow 2.1 for XMetaL X.X dialog. Click Uninstall. After the process completes, there may still be a MathFlow entry in XMetaL's menu. To remove this menu, follow the remaining steps...

  2. In XMetaL with no document open, choose Toolbars… from the View menu.

  3. Select the Menus tab and select MathFlow from the list.

  4. Click Remove, and when you close the dialog, the menu will be gone.