The File menu contains two items:
New: Clears the current contents of the editor and starts a new equation.
Exit: Closes the window, inserting the equation into the editor document (same as clicking on the OK button).
See Edit menu below for details on this item.
The Source menu only appears when the editor is in Source view. Source view is described later in the Source Editing section and in the Tutorials.
The Insert menu has entries for inserting different types of templates (for fractions, scripts, tables, actions, etc.) as well as inserting symbols directly, by typing in the corresponding Unicode numerical reference or MathML name. The Insert menu's submenus and entries are explained in detail in Templates and symbols.
The Toolbar menu allows you to choose from predefined toolbars or create and use your own toolbars. See Customizing the Toolbar for more information.
The Properties menu has options that allow you to modify different kinds of properties including Fonts (such as color), Operators (such as spacing before and after it), Layout (such as background color), Tables (such as spacing between rows), MSpace properties, Actions (such as the cues for a Toggle), Common Attributes, Borders and Strikethroughs, and Linebreak Attributes. Some of the same windows will also pop open when you double-click on the appropriate element in the MathML ancestry. All these entries and windows are described in detail in Controlling Style Properties.
The Preferences menu contains three items:
General Editing: Allows you to control the default behaviors of items such as the ruler, variables and parentheses, and whether to enable safe mode for the handling of non-MathML tags. For details, see Customizing Editing Behavior.
Line Breaking: Brings up the Line Breaking Preferences dialog.
Manage Font Styles: Allows you to create custom font styles. For details, see Customizing Font Styles.
The Help menu contains two items:
MathFlow Editor Help: Opens a browser window with the help pages. If you have placed the documentation in the directory recommended in the installation pages, the browser should automatically display the Editor help. If not, the first time you try the help you will be prompted for the location of the documentation. After that, the browser will remember where to find it.
About MathFlow : (not available in Source view) Opens a window with information about MathFlow version, license information, and licensed features, as applicable.