WirisQuizzes Integration via LTI on your LMS
LTI is a technology that allows tools and platforms to exchange information and integrate in a safe and secure way, thanks to its strict protocols. For example, LTI is what allows WirisQuizzes to connect easily with platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, D2L and any other LTI-certified learning platform.
Over the past several years, IMS LTI Standard has been enabling a standard way for tools to be launched from multiple learning platforms, and it’s that way for teachers and students to have a seamlessly integrated experience. Most recently, IMS Global released LTI Advantage (as part of LTI 1.3), which allows for a deeper connection between tools and platforms.
What is the difference between LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3?
The version of LTI that has been most widely adopted is LTI 1.1, also known as LTI Standard. WirisQuizzes is compatible with LTI 1.1; however, this version has been in the market for over five years. There have been a couple of other versions, such as LTI 1.2 and LTI 2.0, but we don't support either due to security considerations.
Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, D2L and Sakai are already moving to LTI 1.3, and they will be encouraging other LMSs to upgrade to LTI 1.3 as soon as possible. One of the main reasons is the modernized security model, and the other is the idea of having different services layered on top of a core LTI launch mechanism that will allow a new set of interactions between tools and platforms. LTI 1.3 ensures the most up-to-date privacy and security model.
What's new with LTI 1.3
Introduction of the IMS Security Framework specification prescribing improved security based on the 0Auth2 and JSON Web Tokens.
Improved documentation and migration guidance to help move the market from the benefits of basic launch to the full suite of LTI possibilities.
Alignment with the LTI Advantage set of services that enable a fully integrated and innovative digital ecosystem.
LTI Demo with WirisQuizzes
You can request a demo and a free trial by filling out the corresponding form. Tell us a little about yourself, and we'll connect you with a WirisQuizzes expert who can share more about the product and answer any questions you have.
Unfortunately, we don't provide a demo for generic LTI since many LMSs platforms are included in this category. However, for you to learn about WirisQuizzes features and see an LTI-based integration in action, our product experts can show you our Blackboard as a demo environment example. We can also provide you with a generic key for an LTI trial.
Is the content I create with WirisQuizzes stored forever?
Keep in mind that this is a time-limited free trial where you connect to a demo authoring tool. Other organizations will not be able to see the content you create. However, we cannot be held responsible for any content lost during the trial period. The trial authoring platform is reset to its blank state every three months.
If you proceed to buy a license for WirisQuizzes, a new credential will be issued. It is mandatory to change your trial credentials to your new unique credential. The content you created on trial will be deleted and cannot be restored. However, once you start using your new credentials, your content will be securely saved forever.
WirisQuizzes for Blackboard is an app that can be installed on Blackboard as an LTI provider. This deployment is LTI-based and connects to a back-end Moodle hosted on our servers.
You can include WirisQuizzes question types in your Blackboard environment by following the instructions explained below.
Admin: Installation
The first step to using WirisQuizzes in Blackboard is to install the External App in your Blackboard course.
Before installing the application into your course, you need to get the login credentials for your institution.
If you already have purchased your license and want to use your institution's Product Key, go to the Wiris store with your user/password for www.wiris.com and search for the Product Key of your WirisQuizzes LTI license. The Consumer Key is your institution's domain(your website is 'www.acme.net', the Consumer key will be 'acme.net').
Register the LTI application
Then, you need to create a new LTI application on Blackboard. To do so, you must follow the steps below:
Log in to Blackboard with an administrator account.
In the navigation menu on the left, click Admin
Click on LTI Tool Providers in the Integrations section.
Select the Register LTI 1.3 tool and set the following client id:
Accept to get to the following page.
There you need to copy the field
Deployment id
which you will need to send to WIRIS support by contacting support@wiris.com.Set the tool as “approved”.
User Fields
toSend -> Role in Course, Name, Email Address
and set toYes
the “Allow grade service access” toggle.Submit and send us your
Deployment id
by contacting support@wiris.com.
Create an LTI provider
Then, you need to create a new LTI provider on Blackboard. To do so, you must follow two steps: add a new LTI Tool provider and add a new location to the provider. Each of these steps has a different form that must be completed correctly.
To add a new LTI provider on Blackboard, you need to do the following:
Log in to Blackboard with an administrator account.
In the navigation menu on the left, click Admin
Click on LTI Tool Providers in the Integrations section.
Select the Register Provider Domain tab. An empty form called Register Provider Domain will be shown.
Fill out the form with de data below:
* Provider domain: www.wiris.net * Default Configuration: Set globally (checked). * Tool Provider Key: Provided by the WIRIS team. * Tool Provider Secret: Provided by the WIRIS team. * Send User Data: Send user data only over SSL (checked). * User Fields to Send * Role in Course (checked) * Name (checked) * Email Address (checked) * Allow Membership Service Access: No * Show User Acknowledgment Message: No
Click Submit at the end of the form to apply the changes. Then you will be sent to the LTI providers page, where you must follow the next step.
To add a new Placement to the www.wiris.net provider, you need to do the following:
From the LTI Tool Providers page, click on the arrow at the right side of www.wiris.net to drop down a menu, click the Manage Placements option.
In the new page, click on the Create location tab (top-left).
Complete the form with the following information and click // Submit // when finished:
* Label: WirisQuizzes * Handle: quizzesnet * Avalaibility: yes * Type: Deep linking content tool * Tool Provider URL: https://www.wiris.net/client/lti/quizzes/launch
Manage WirisQuizzes
Finally, once the WirisQuizzes App is available for your teachers on the Blackboard campus, you need to configure the back-end authoring platform by following the steps below.
The back-end authoring platform is a Moodle-based platform. This platform is provided by Wiris and located at https://quizzeslti.wiris.net/example.com/, where ‘example.com’ is the domain of your Blackboard institution.
You are provided with a Manager account with high privileges to administer the authoring platform, although it is not necessary for regular operation.
Firstly, you need to allow WirisQuizzes to post grades on your platform. To do so, in the Manage Global Properties section, you need to select Yes in Feature availability > Allow configured tool providers to post grades.

Then, you need to use the manager account to define your corresponding profile. Follow the steps below to do so:
Go to the platform URL: https://quizzeslti.wiris.net/example.com/
Contact WIRIS support to get the credential.
The first time you log in with this account you are required to change the password to a secure and private one.
Immediately change the account email.
Click Manager User in the top-right corner and select ‘Profile’,
Then, on the profile page, click the Edit profile link and set up the new email.
Teacher: Authoring
If you are reading this, probably you want to create or manage quizzes with math and science features in a course hosted on a Blackboard platform. All you need to create content using WirisQuizzes is a Blackboard account with a teacher role in a Blackboard course.
We strongly recommend you to read the Getting Started documentation of WirisQuizzes carefully to see an outline of what the tool has to offer and a detailed description of how to use it.
Create a quiz
To create a quiz with WirisQuizzes in Blackboard, follow these steps:
Log in to Blackboard with a teacher account and go to your course.
Click on the Content link in the left menu.
Drop down the menu titled Build Content and choose WirisQuizzes.
Click the button New quiz.
Choose a name and optionally a description for your quiz and click the Save and display button
Click the Edit quiz button.
To add the first question, click the Add link and a new question.
Choose one of the available question types under WirisQuizzes and click Add.
Create your question and click Save changes when done.
Click the Done button. You will be redirected to the selection dialogue, and the new quiz will appear there.
Click the Select quiz button to add the quiz to Blackboard.

Edit a quiz
To edit a quiz with WirisQuizzes in Blackboard, follow these steps:
Log in to Blackboard with a teacher account and go to your course.
Click on the Content link in the left menu.
Drop down the menu titled Build Content and choose WirisQuizzes.
Click the gear icon next to the name of the quiz you want to edit.

Load an existing quiz into Blackboard
To load an existing quiz into Blackboard, follow these steps:
Log in to Blackboard with a teacher account and go to your course.
Click on the Content link in the left menu.
Drop down the menu titled Build Content and choose WirisQuizzes.
You will see a list of all quizzes developed for your course. Search the quiz you want to import and click Select quiz.

Open the WirisQuizzes platform in a full window
If you want to create your quizzes and questions in a full window and access some restricted features, click the button Open in a new tab. When you end up creating the platform's content, click the Refresh link to see your new or updated quizzes in the selection window.

Review quiz attempts
Your student's grades will appear as usual in the Blackboard grade book.
Student: Just play
Students use the WirisQuizzes activities in their course without accessing other platforms besides their Blackboard course. WirisQuizzes responses and grades may be later reviewed in the same manner as for regular Blackboard quizzes.
WirisQuizzes for Canvas is an app that can be installed on Canvas as an External App. This deployment is LTI-based and connects to a back-end Moodle hosted on our servers.
You can include WirisQuizzes question types in your Canvas environment by following the instructions explained below.
Admin: Installation
The first step to using WirisQuizzes in a Canvas LMS is to install the External App in your Canvas course.
Before installing the application into your course, you need to get the login credentials for your institution.
If you already have purchased your license and want to use your institution's Product Key, go to the Wiris store with your user/password for www.wiris.com and search for the Product Key of your WirisQuizzes LTI license. The Consumer Key is your institution's domain(your website is 'www.acme.net', the Consumer key will be 'acme.net').
Install the WirisQuizzes App via App Center
Once you have your credentials, you need to install the WirisQuizzes App via App Center by following these steps:
Log in to Canvas with an administrator account.
Navigate to the desired course and click Settings in the course navigation menu.
Select the App tabs in the course Settings screen and search for Wiris on the Search box.
Choose WirisQuizzes and click on Add App button.
Enter your credentials in the Consumer Key and Shared Secret fields.

Manage WirisQuizzes
If you need to configure the back-end authoring platform connected to Canvas, don't hesitate to contact support@wiris.com.
Teacher: Authoring
If you are reading this, probably you want to create or manage quizzes with math and science features in a course hosted on a Canvas platform. All you need to create content using WirisQuizzes is a Canvas account with a teacher role in a Canvas course.
We strongly recommend you to read the Getting Started documentation of WirisQuizzes carefully to see an outline of what the tool has to offer and a detailed description of how to use it.
Link your Canvas course to WirisQuizzes
Assessments using WirisQuizzes are created in a back-end platform and imported into Canvas. Each Canvas course is linked with a specific space in the WirisQuizzes platform.
Only the accounts with a teacher role in the Canvas course are able to create and edit the content in the WirisQuizzes space linked to the course. If you have access to several Canvas courses, you will see the corresponding WirisQuizzes space depending on the Canvas course where you began.
As a teacher, the first time you open the External Tool dialogue, an empty space will be automatically created in the WirisQuizzes platform and linked to the current Canvas course. You can readily start to create content.

If WirisQuizzes has free spaces, you will be prompted to select one of the available spaces or create an empty one for your course. This case only applies to institutions that have built their spaces directly in the back-end platform, and it is done only once per course.

If your Canvas course is incorrectly linked to a WirisQuizzes space, you can undo the operation using the ‘Unlink course’ button. You will be redirected to the Manual link page to choose the correct WirisQuizzes space.
Create a quiz
To create a quiz in Canvas:
Log in to Canvas with a teacher account and go to your course.
Click on the Assignments link in the left menu and add a new assignment.
Select External Tool as the Submission Type and click the Find button.
Find WirisQuizzes’ in the list, select it and click Proceed to content on the new screen.
Click the button New quiz.
Choose a name and optionally a description for your quiz and click the Save and display button.
Click the Edit quiz button.
To add the first question, click the Add link and select a new question.
Choose one of the available question types under WirisQuizzes and click Add.
Create your question and click Save changes when done.
Click the Done button. You will be redirected to the selection dialogue, and the new quiz will appear there.
Click the Select quiz button to add the quiz to Canvas.

Edit a quiz
To edit a quiz with WirisQuizzes in Canvas, follow these steps:
Log in to Canvas with a teacher account and go to your course.
Click on the Assignments link in the left menu and add a new assignment.
Select External Tool as the Submission Type and click the Find button.
Choose WirisQuizzes and click the gear icon next to the name of the quiz you want to edit.

Load an existing quiz into Canvas
To load an existing quiz into Canvas, follow these steps:
Log in to Canvas with a teacher account and go to your course.
Click on the Assignments link in the left menu and add a new assignment.
Select External Tool as the Submission Type and click the Find button. Choose WirisQuizzes’.
You will see a list of all quizzes developed for your course. Search the quiz you want to import and click Select quiz.
Leave the Load in a new tab option unchecked and click Select again.
Don’t forget to set the name of the Assignment. A standard option is to give the Assignment the same name as the quiz.
Click Save or Save and publish and add the assignment to the desired course module as usual in Canvas.

Open the WirisQuizzes platform in a full window
If you want to create your quizzes and questions in a full window and access some restricted features, click the button Open in a new tab. When you end up creating the platform's content, click the Refresh link to see your new or updated quizzes in the selection window.

Review quiz attempts
Your student's grades will appear as usual in the Canvas grade book. You can, however, review the student’s quiz answers. You can do it using the Speed grading App or from the grade book by clicking the student name and then clicking the assignment in the block on the right.
Student: Just play
Students use the WirisQuizzes activities in their course without accessing other platforms besides their Canvas course. WirisQuizzes responses and grades may be later reviewed in the same manner as standard Canvas quizzes.
WirisQuizzes for Brightspace is an app that can be installed on D2L/Brightspace as a remote plugin. This deployment is LTI-based and connects to a back-end Moodle hosted on our servers.
You can include WirisQuizzes question types in your D2L/Brightspace environment by following the instructions explained below.
Admin: Installation
The first step to using WirisQuizzes on a D2L/Brightspace campus is to install WirisQuizzes as a remote plugin in your D2L/Brightspace course.
Before installing the plugin into your campus, you need to get the login credentials for your institution.
If you have already purchased your license and want to use your institution's Product Key, go to the Wiris store with your user/password for www.wiris.com and search for the Product Key of your WirisQuizzes LTI license. The Consumer Key is your institution's domain (if your website is 'www.acme.net', the Consumer key will be 'acme.net').
Installing WirisQuizzes through LTI
Then, you need to activate the WirisQuizzes plugin in D2L/Brightspace. To do so, you must follow two steps: add WirisQuizzes as a remote plugin and configure the domain. Each of these steps has a different form that must be completed correctly.
To add WirisQuizzes as a remote plugin, you need to do the following:
Log in to D2L/Brightspace with an administrator account.
Click the Admin Tools ⚙️ icon in the top right corner on the Homepage (not inside a course). Select Remote Plugins in the drop-down menu that appears.
A pop-up form called Create a new Remote Plugin will appear when you click New Remote Plugin.
Fill the form with the data below:
* Plugin Type: QuickLink (CIM).
* Name: WIRIS QUIZZES LTI (this is just a recommendation, you can choose something different)
* Launch Point URL: https://www.wiris.net/client/lti/quizzes/launch.
* LTI Key: Provided by the WIRIS team.
* LTI Secret: Provided by the WIRIS team.
* After setting the Key and Secret, the OAuth Signature Method field appears. Set it to HMAC-SHA1.
* You can leave the other fields blank.
At the end of the form, click the Add Org Units button and add the courses for which the plugin should be available.
To configure the domain, you need to do the following:
Log in to Brightspace with an administrator account.
Click the Admin Tools ⚙️ icon in the top right corner on the Homepage (not inside a course). Select External Learning Tools.
Click the third item in the tab menu called Manage Tool Providers.
There are two different External Learning Tools pages types: a global one and then one for each course. You can configure either one, but keep in mind that course one overrides the global one, and it only applies to that course. The global one can be accessed through ⚙️ Admin Tools > External Learning Tools. Course one can be accessed through: [Course] > Course Tools > All Course Tools > External Learning Tools.
A tool provider with the wiris.net name in the Launch point column should appear in the list.
Click to edit and check all the boxes under Security Settings. In Add Org Units, you'll find all the courses where the plugin is available.
Manage WirisQuizzes
Finally, once the WirisQuizzes plugin is available for your teachers on the D2L/Brightspace campus, you need to configure the back-end authoring platform by following the steps below.
The back-end authoring platform is a Moodle-based platform. This platform is provided by Wiris and located at https://quizzeslti.wiris.net/example.com/, where 'example.com' is the domain of your Brightspace institution.
You are provided with a Manager account with high privileges to administer the authoring platform, although it is unnecessary for regular operation.
Go to the platform URL: https://quizzeslti.wiris.net/example.com/, replacing example.com with the domain of your D"L/Brightspace institution.
Contact WIRIS support to get the credential.
Change the password to a secure and private one.
Click Manager User in the top-right corner and select Profile,
Click the Edit profile link and set up the new email.
Teacher: Authoring
If you are reading this probably, you want to create or manage quizzes with math and science features in a course hosted in a Brightspace platform. All you need to create content using WirisQuizzes is a Brightspace account with a teacher role in a Brightspace course.
We strongly recommend you to read the Getting Started documentation of WirisQuizzes carefully to see an outline of what the tool has to offer and a detailed description of how to use it.
Create a quiz
To create a quiz with WirisQuizzes in D2L/Brightspace, follow these steps:
Log in to D2L/Brightspace and go to the course where you want to create the quiz. You must ensure that the plugin is available in this course.
Click on the Content link. It's the first item on the course's Main Menu.
Enter an existing module or create a new one.
Click on the button Existing Activities, then select the External tool with the name you've given to WirisQuizzes Remote Plugin; In this example, we have used 'WIRIS QUIZZES PLAY'.
Click the button New quiz.
Choose a name and optionally a description for your quiz and click the Save and display button.
Click the button Edit quiz.
To add the first question, click the Add link and select a new question.
Choose one of the available question types under WirisQuizzes and click Add.
Create your question and click Save changes when done.
Click the button Done. You will be redirected to the selection dialogue, and the new quiz will appear there.
Click the button Select quiz to add the quiz to D2L/Brightspace.

Edit a quiz
To edit a quiz with WirisQuizzes into D2L/Brightspace, follow these steps:
Log in to D2L/Brightspace with a teacher account and go to the course where you want to create the quiz. You must ensure that the plugin is available in this course.
Click on the Content link and enter an existing module. It’s the first item on the course's Main Menu.
Click on the button Existing Activities, then select the External tool with the name you've given to WirisQuizzes Remote Plugin; In this example, we have used 'WIRIS QUIZZES PLAY'.
Click the gear icon next to the name of the quiz you want to edit.

Load an existing quiz into D2L/Brightspace
To load an existing quiz with WirisQuizzes into D2L/Brightspace, follow these steps:
Log in to D2L/Brightspace with a teacher account and go to the course where you want to create the quiz. You must ensure that the plugin is available in this course.
Click on the Content link and enter an existing module. It’s the first item on the course's Main Menu.
Click on the button Existing Activities, then select the External tool with the name you've given to WirisQuizzes Remote Plugin; In this example, we have used 'WIRIS QUIZZES PLAY'.
You will see a list of all quizzes developed for your course. Search the quiz you want to import and click Select quiz.

Review quiz attempts
As a teacher, in order to see the grades and each student's answers, you can navigate to the quiz and click the "Attempts: <n>" link.

On this page, you can generate a report with all the information and also review each student's response.

Student: Just play
Students use the WirisQuizzes activities in their course without accessing platforms other than their D2L/Brightspace course. WirisQuizzes responses and grades may be reviewed similarly to standard D2L/Brightspace quizzes.
WirisQuizzes is an LTI 1.3 Advantage certified tool and can connect with any LTI 1.3 Advantage certified platform. Please refer to your LMS documentation to see if the LTI 1.3 standard is supported and how LTI apps are added. Unfortunately, we have found such documentation to be missing or incomplete in some LMSs. If you require assistance in installing WirisQuizzes in some other LMS, please contact support.