
import Util from './util';
import Listeners from './listeners';

 * @typedef {Object} ServiceProviderProperties
 * @property {String} URI - Service URI.
 * @property {String} server - Service server language.

 * @classdesc
 * Class representing a serviceProvider. A serviceProvider is a class containing
 * an arbitrary number of services with the correspondent path.
export default class ServiceProvider {
   * Returns Service Provider listeners.
   * @type {Listeners}
  static get listeners() {
    return ServiceProvider._listeners;

   * Adds a {@link Listener} instance to {@link ServiceProvider} class.
   * @param {Listener} listener - Instance of {@link Listener}.
  static addListener(listener) {

   * Fires events in Service Provider.
   * @param {String} eventName - Event name.
   * @param {Event} event - Event object.
  static fireEvent(eventName, event) {, event);

   * Service parameters.
   * @type {ServiceProviderProperties}
  static get parameters() {
    return ServiceProvider._parameters;

   * Service parameters.
   * @private
   * @type {ServiceProviderProperties}
  static set parameters(parameters) {
    ServiceProvider._parameters = parameters;

   * Static property.
   * Return service provider paths.
   * @private
   * @type {String}
  static get servicePaths() {
    return ServiceProvider._servicePaths;

   * Static property setter.
   * Set service paths.
   * @param {String} value - The property value.
   * @ignore
  static set servicePaths(value) {
    ServiceProvider._servicePaths = value;

   * Adds a new service to the ServiceProvider.
   * @param {String} service - Service name.
   * @param {String} path - Service path.
   * @static
  static setServicePath(service, path) {
    ServiceProvider.servicePaths[service] = path;

   * Returns the service path for a certain service.
   * @param {String} serviceName - Service name.
   * @returns {String} The service path.
   * @static
  static getServicePath(serviceName) {
    return ServiceProvider.servicePaths[serviceName];

   * Static property.
   * Service provider integration path.
   * @type {String}
  static get integrationPath() {
    return ServiceProvider._integrationPath;

   * Static property setter.
   * Set service provider integration path.
   * @param {String} value - The property value.
   * @ignore
  static set integrationPath(value) {
    ServiceProvider._integrationPath = value;

   * Returns the server URL in the form protocol://serverName:serverPort.
   * @return {String} The client side server path.
  static getServerURL() {
    const url = window.location.href;
    const arr = url.split('/');
    const result = `${arr[0]}//${arr[2]}`;
    return result;

   * Inits {@link this} class. Uses {@link this.integrationPath} as
   * base path to generate all backend services paths.
   * @param {Object} parameters - Function parameters.
   * @param {String} parameters.integrationPath - Service path.
  static init(parameters) {
    ServiceProvider.parameters = parameters;
    // Services path (tech dependant).
    let configurationURI = ServiceProvider.createServiceURI('configurationjs');
    let createImageURI = ServiceProvider.createServiceURI('createimage');
    let showImageURI = ServiceProvider.createServiceURI('showimage');
    let getMathMLURI = ServiceProvider.createServiceURI('getmathml');
    let serviceURI = ServiceProvider.createServiceURI('service');

    // Some backend integrations (like Java o Ruby) have an absolute backend path,
    // for example: /app/service. For them we calculate the absolute URL path, i.e
    // protocol://domain:port/app/service
    if (ServiceProvider.parameters.URI.indexOf('/') === 0) {
      const serverPath = ServiceProvider.getServerURL();
      configurationURI = serverPath + configurationURI;
      showImageURI = serverPath + showImageURI;
      createImageURI = serverPath + createImageURI;
      getMathMLURI = serverPath + getMathMLURI;
      serviceURI = serverPath + serviceURI;

    ServiceProvider.setServicePath('configurationjs', configurationURI);
    ServiceProvider.setServicePath('showimage', showImageURI);
    ServiceProvider.setServicePath('createimage', createImageURI);
    ServiceProvider.setServicePath('service', serviceURI);
    ServiceProvider.setServicePath('getmathml', getMathMLURI);
    ServiceProvider.setServicePath('configurationjs', configurationURI);'onInit', {});

   * Gets the content from an URL.
   * @param {String} url - Target URL.
   * @param {Object} [postVariables] - Object containing post variables.
   * null if a GET query should be done.
   * @returns {String} Content of the target URL.
   * @private
   * @static
  static getUrl(url, postVariables) {
    const currentPath = window.location.toString().substr(0, window.location.toString().lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    const httpRequest = Util.createHttpRequest();

    if (httpRequest) {
      if (typeof postVariables === 'undefined' || typeof postVariables === 'undefined') {'GET', url, false);
      } else if (url.substr(0, 1) === '/' || url.substr(0, 7) === 'http://' || url.substr(0, 8) === 'https://') {'POST', url, false);
      } else {'POST', currentPath + url, false);

      if (typeof postVariables !== 'undefined' && postVariables) {
        httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
      } else {

      return httpRequest.responseText;
    return '';

   * Returns the response text of a certain service.
   * @param {String} service - Service name.
   * @param {String} postVariables - Post variables.
   * @param {Boolean} get - True if the request is GET instead of POST. false otherwise.
   * @returns {String} Service response text.
  static getService(service, postVariables, get) {
    let response;
    if (get === true) {
      let getVariables = postVariables ? '?' + postVariables : '';
      const serviceUrl = `${ServiceProvider.getServicePath(service)}${getVariables}`;
      response = ServiceProvider.getUrl(serviceUrl);
    } else {
      const serviceUrl = ServiceProvider.getServicePath(service);
      response = ServiceProvider.getUrl(serviceUrl, postVariables);
    return response;

   * Returns the server language of a certain service. The possible values
   * are: php, aspx, java and ruby.
   * This method has backward compatibility purposes.
   * @param {String} service - The configuration service.
   * @returns {String} - The server technology associated with the configuration service.
  static getServerLanguageFromService(service) {
    if (service.indexOf('.php') !== -1) {
      return 'php';
    if (service.indexOf('.aspx') !== -1) {
      return 'aspx';
    if (service.indexOf('wirispluginengine') !== -1) {
      return 'ruby';
    return 'java';

   * Returns the URI associated with a certain service.
   * @param {String} service - The service name.
   * @return {String} The service path.
  static createServiceURI(service) {
    const extension = ServiceProvider.serverExtension();
    return Util.concatenateUrl(ServiceProvider.parameters.URI, service) + extension;

  static serverExtension() {
    if (ServiceProvider.parameters.server.indexOf('php') !== -1) {
      return '.php';
    if (ServiceProvider.parameters.server.indexOf('aspx') !== -1) {
      return '.aspx';
    return '';

 * @property {String} service - The service name.
 * @property {String} path - The service path.
 * @static
ServiceProvider._servicePaths = {};

 * The integration path. Contains the path of the configuration service.
 * Used to define the path for all services.
 * @type {String}
 * @private
ServiceProvider._integrationPath = '';

 * ServiceProvider static listeners.
 * @type {Listeners}
 * @private
ServiceProvider._listeners = new Listeners();

 * Service provider parameters.
 * @type {ServiceProviderParameters}
ServiceProvider._parameters = {};