

export default class PopUpMessage {
   * @classdesc
   * This class represents a dialog message overlaying a DOM element in order to
   * accept / cancel discard changes. The dialog can be closed i.e the overlay disappears
   * o canceled. In this last case a callback function should be called.
   * @constructs
   * @param {Object} popupMessageAttributes - Object containing popup properties.
   * @param {HTMLElement} popupMessageAttributes.overlayElement - Element to overlay.
   * @param {Object} popupMessageAttributes.callbacks - Contains callback
   * methods for close and cancel actions.
   * @param {Object} popupMessageAttributes.strings - Contains all the strings needed.
  constructor(popupMessageAttributes) {
     * Element to be overlaid when the popup appears.
    this.overlayElement = popupMessageAttributes.overlayElement;

    this.callbacks = popupMessageAttributes.callbacks;

     * HTMLElement element to wrap all HTML elements inside the popupMessage.
    this.overlayWrapper = this.overlayElement.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
    this.overlayWrapper.setAttribute('class', 'wrs_popupmessage_overlay_envolture');

     * HTMLElement to display the popup message, close button and cancel button.
    this.message = this.overlayWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
    this.message.id = 'wrs_popupmessage';
    this.message.setAttribute('class', 'wrs_popupmessage_panel');
    this.message.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
    this.message.setAttribute('aria-describedby', 'description_txt');
    const paragraph = document.createElement('p');
    const text = document.createTextNode(popupMessageAttributes.strings.message);
    paragraph.id = 'description_txt';

     * HTML element overlaying the overlayElement.
    const overlay = this.overlayWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
    overlay.setAttribute('class', 'wrs_popupmessage_overlay');
    // We create a overlay that close popup message on click in there
    overlay.addEventListener('click', this.cancelAction.bind(this));

     * HTML element containing cancel and close buttons.
    this.buttonArea = this.message.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
    this.buttonArea.setAttribute('class', 'wrs_popupmessage_button_area');
    this.buttonArea.id = 'wrs_popup_button_area';

    // Close button arguments.
    const buttonSubmitArguments = {
      class: 'wrs_button_accept',
      innerHTML: popupMessageAttributes.strings.submitString,
      id: 'wrs_popup_accept_button',

     * Close button arguments.
    this.closeButton = this.createButton(buttonSubmitArguments, this.closeAction.bind(this));

    // Cancel button arguments.
    const buttonCancelArguments = {
      class: 'wrs_button_cancel',
      innerHTML: popupMessageAttributes.strings.cancelString,
      id: 'wrs_popup_cancel_button',

     * Cancel button.
    this.cancelButton = this.createButton(buttonCancelArguments, this.cancelAction.bind(this));

   * This method create a button with arguments and return button dom object
   * @param {Object} parameters - An object containing id, class and innerHTML button text.
   * @param {String} parameters.id - Button id.
   * @param {String} parameters.class - Button class name.
   * @param {String} parameters.innerHTML - Button innerHTML text.
   * @param {Object} callback- Callback method to call on click event.
   * @returns {HTMLElement} HTML button.
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  createButton(parameters, callback) {
    let element = {};
    element = document.createElement('button');
    element.setAttribute('id', parameters.id);
    element.setAttribute('class', parameters.class);
    element.innerHTML = parameters.innerHTML;
    element.addEventListener('click', callback);

    return element;

   * Shows the popupmessage containing a message, and two buttons
   * to cancel the action or close the modal dialog.
  show() {
    if (this.overlayWrapper.style.display !== 'block') {
      // Clear focus with blur for prevent press any key.
      this.overlayWrapper.style.display = 'block';
    } else {
      this.overlayWrapper.style.display = 'none';
      // _wrs_modalWindow.focus(); This throws an error of not existing _wrs_modalWindow

   * This method cancels the popupMessage: the dialog disappears revealing the overlaid element.
   * A callback method is called (if defined). For example a method to focus the overlaid element.
  cancelAction() {
    this.overlayWrapper.style.display = 'none';
    if (typeof this.callbacks.cancelCallback !== 'undefined') {

   * This method closes the popupMessage: the dialog disappears and the close callback is called.
   * For example to close the overlaid element.
  closeAction() {
    if (typeof this.callbacks.closeCallback !== 'undefined') {

   * Handle keyboard events detected in modal when elements of this class intervene.
   * @param {KeyboardEvent} keyboardEvent - The keyboard event.
  onKeyDown(keyboardEvent) {
    if (keyboardEvent.key !== undefined) {
      // Code to detect Esc event.
      if (keyboardEvent.key === 'Escape' || keyboardEvent.key === 'Esc') {
      } else if (keyboardEvent.key === 'Tab') { // Code to detect Tab event.
        if (document.activeElement === this.closeButton) {
        } else {