import Constants from './constants';
import Util from './util';
* @classdesc
* This class represents a class to manage MathML objects.
export default class MathML {
* Checks if the mathml at position i is inside an HTML attribute or not.
* @param {string} content - a string containing MathML code.
* @param {number} i - search index.
* @return {boolean} true if is inside an HTML attribute. false otherwise.
static isMathmlInAttribute(content, i) {
// Regex =
// '^[\'"][\\s]*=[\\s]*[\\w-]+([\\s]*("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')[\\s]*
// =[\\s]*[\\w-]+[\\s]*)*[\\s]+gmi<';
const mathAtt = '[\'"][\\s]*=[\\s]*[\\w-]+'; // "=att OR '=att
const attContent = '"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\''; // "blabla" OR 'blabla'
const att = `[\\s]*(${attContent})[\\s]*=[\\s]*[\\w-]+[\\s]*`; // "blabla"=att OR 'blabla'=att
const atts = `('${att}')*`; // "blabla"=att1 "blabla"=att2
const regex = `^${mathAtt}${atts}[\\s]+gmi<`; // "=att "blabla"=att1 "blabla"=att2 gmi< .
const expression = new RegExp(regex);
const actualContent = content.substring(0, i);
const reversed = actualContent.split('').reverse().join('');
const exists = expression.test(reversed);
return exists;
* Decodes an encoded MathML with standard XML tags.
* We use these entities because IE doesn't support html entities
* on its attributes sometimes. Yes, sometimes.
* @param {string} input - string to be decoded.
* @return {string} decoded string.
static safeXmlDecode(input) {
let { tagOpener } = Constants.safeXmlCharactersEntities;
let { tagCloser } = Constants.safeXmlCharactersEntities;
let { doubleQuote } = Constants.safeXmlCharactersEntities;
let { realDoubleQuote } = Constants.safeXmlCharactersEntities;
// Decoding entities.
input = input.split(tagOpener).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.tagOpener);
input = input.split(tagCloser).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.tagCloser);
input = input.split(doubleQuote).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.doubleQuote);
// Added to fix problem due to import from 1.9.x.
input = input.split(realDoubleQuote).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.realDoubleQuote);
// Blackboard.
const { ltElement } = Constants.safeBadBlackboardCharacters;
const { gtElement } = Constants.safeBadBlackboardCharacters;
const { ampElement } = Constants.safeBadBlackboardCharacters;
if ('_wrs_blackboard' in window && window._wrs_blackboard) {
input = input.split(ltElement).join(Constants.safeGoodBlackboardCharacters.ltElement);
input = input.split(gtElement).join(Constants.safeGoodBlackboardCharacters.gtElement);
input = input.split(ampElement).join(Constants.safeGoodBlackboardCharacters.ampElement);
({ tagOpener } = Constants.safeXmlCharacters);
({ tagCloser } = Constants.safeXmlCharacters);
({ doubleQuote } = Constants.safeXmlCharacters);
({ realDoubleQuote } = Constants.safeXmlCharacters);
const { ampersand } = Constants.safeXmlCharacters;
const { quote } = Constants.safeXmlCharacters;
// Decoding characters.
input = input.split(tagOpener).join(Constants.xmlCharacters.tagOpener);
input = input.split(tagCloser).join(Constants.xmlCharacters.tagCloser);
input = input.split(doubleQuote).join(Constants.xmlCharacters.doubleQuote);
input = input.split(ampersand).join(Constants.xmlCharacters.ampersand);
input = input.split(quote).join(Constants.xmlCharacters.quote);
// We are replacing $ by & when its part of an entity for retrocompatibility.
// Now, the standard is replace ยง by &.
let returnValue = '';
let currentEntity = null;
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1) {
const character = input.charAt(i);
if (currentEntity == null) {
if (character === '$') {
currentEntity = '';
} else {
returnValue += character;
} else if (character === ';') {
returnValue += `&${currentEntity}`;
currentEntity = null;
} else if (character.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9#._-] | '-')/)) { // Character is part of an entity.
currentEntity += character;
} else {
returnValue += `$${currentEntity}`; // Is not an entity.
currentEntity = null;
i -= 1; // Parse again the current character.
return returnValue;
* Encodes a MathML with standard XML tags to a MMathML encoded with safe XML tags.
* We use these entities because IE doesn't support html entities on its attributes sometimes.
* @param {string} input - input string to be encoded
* @returns {string} encoded string.
static safeXmlEncode(input) {
const { tagOpener } = Constants.xmlCharacters;
const { tagCloser } = Constants.xmlCharacters;
const { doubleQuote } = Constants.xmlCharacters;
const { ampersand } = Constants.xmlCharacters;
const { quote } = Constants.xmlCharacters;
input = input.split(tagOpener).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.tagOpener);
input = input.split(tagCloser).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.tagCloser);
input = input.split(doubleQuote).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.doubleQuote);
input = input.split(ampersand).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.ampersand);
input = input.split(quote).join(Constants.safeXmlCharacters.quote);
return input;
* Converts special symbols (> 128) to entities and replaces all textual
* entities by its number entities.
* @param {string} mathml - MathML string containing - or not - special symbols
* @returns {string} MathML with all textual entities replaced.
static mathMLEntities(mathml) {
let toReturn = '';
for (let i = 0; i < mathml.length; i += 1) {
const character = mathml.charAt(i);
// Parsing > 128 characters.
if (mathml.codePointAt(i) > 128) {
toReturn += `&#${mathml.codePointAt(i)};`;
// For UTF-32 characters we need to move the index one position.
if (mathml.codePointAt(i) > 0xffff) {
i += 1;
} else if (character === '&') {
const end = mathml.indexOf(';', i + 1);
if (end >= 0) {
const container = document.createElement('span');
container.innerHTML = mathml.substring(i, end + 1);
toReturn += `&#${Util.fixedCharCodeAt((container.textContent || container.innerText), 0)};`;
i = end;
} else {
toReturn += character;
} else {
toReturn += character;
return toReturn;
* Add a custom editor name with the prefix wrs_ to a MathML class attribute.
* @param {string} mathml - a MathML string created with a custom editor, like chemistry.
* @param {string} customEditor - custom editor name.
* @returns {string} MathML string with his class containing the editor toolbar string.
static addCustomEditorClassAttribute(mathml, customEditor) {
let toReturn = '';
const start = mathml.indexOf('<math');
if (start === 0) {
const end = mathml.indexOf('>');
if (mathml.indexOf('class') === -1) {
// Adding custom editor type.
toReturn = `${mathml.substr(start, end)} class="wrs_${customEditor}">`;
toReturn += mathml.substr(end + 1, mathml.length);
return toReturn;
return mathml;
* Remove a custom editor name from the MathML class attribute.
* @param {string} mathml - a MathML string.
* @param {string} customEditor - custom editor name.
* @returns {string} The input MathML without customEditor name in his class.
static removeCustomEditorClassAttribute(mathml, customEditor) {
// Discard MathML without the specified class.
if (mathml.indexOf('class') === -1 || mathml.indexOf(`wrs_${customEditor}`) === -1) {
return mathml;
// Trivial case: class attribute value equal to editor name. Then
// class attribute is removed.
if (mathml.indexOf(`class="wrs_${customEditor}"`) !== -1) {
return mathml.replace(`class="wrs_${customEditor}"`, '');
// Non Trivial case: class attribute contains editor name.
return mathml.replace(`wrs_${customEditor}`, '');
* Adds annotation tag in MathML element.
* @param {String} mathml - valid MathML.
* @param {String} content - value to put inside annotation tag.
* @param {String} annotationEncoding - annotation encoding.
* @returns {String} - 'mathml' with an annotation that contains
* 'content' and encoding 'encoding'.
static addAnnotation(mathml, content, annotationEncoding) {
// If contains annotation, also contains semantics tag.
const containsAnnotation = mathml.indexOf('<annotation');
let mathmlWithAnnotation = '';
if (containsAnnotation !== -1) {
const closeSemanticsIndex = mathml.indexOf('</semantics>');
mathmlWithAnnotation = `${mathml.substring(0, closeSemanticsIndex)}<annotation encoding="${annotationEncoding}">${content}</annotation>${mathml.substring(closeSemanticsIndex)}`;
} else if (MathML.isEmpty(mathml)) {
const endIndexInline = mathml.indexOf('/>');
const endIndexNonInline = mathml.indexOf('>');
const endIndex = endIndexNonInline === endIndexInline ? endIndexInline : endIndexNonInline;
mathmlWithAnnotation = `${mathml.substring(0, endIndex)}><semantics><annotation encoding="${annotationEncoding}">${content}</annotation></semantics></math>`;
} else {
const beginMathMLContent = mathml.indexOf('>') + 1;
const endMathmlContent = mathml.lastIndexOf('</math>');
const mathmlContent = mathml.substring(beginMathMLContent, endMathmlContent);
mathmlWithAnnotation = `${mathml.substring(0, beginMathMLContent)}<semantics>${mathmlContent}<annotation encoding="${annotationEncoding}">${content}</annotation></semantics></math>`;
return mathmlWithAnnotation;
* Removes specific annotation tag in MathML element.
* In case of remove the unique annotation, also is removed semantics tag.
* @param {String} mathml - valid MathML.
* @param {String} annotationEncoding - annotation encoding to remove.
* @returns {String} - 'mathml' without the annotation encoding specified.
static removeAnnotation(mathml, annotationEncoding) {
let mathmlWithoutAnnotation = mathml;
const openAnnotationTag = `<annotation encoding="${annotationEncoding}">`;
const closeAnnotationTag = '</annotation>';
const startAnnotationIndex = mathml.indexOf(openAnnotationTag);
if (startAnnotationIndex !== -1) {
let differentAnnotationFound = false;
let differentAnnotationIndex = mathml.indexOf('<annotation');
while (differentAnnotationIndex !== -1) {
if (differentAnnotationIndex !== startAnnotationIndex) {
differentAnnotationFound = true;
differentAnnotationIndex = mathml.indexOf('<annotation', differentAnnotationIndex + 1);
if (differentAnnotationFound) {
const closeIndex = mathml.indexOf(closeAnnotationTag, startAnnotationIndex);
const endAnnotationIndex = closeIndex + closeAnnotationTag.length;
const startIndex = mathml.substring(0, startAnnotationIndex);
mathmlWithoutAnnotation = startIndex + mathml.substring(endAnnotationIndex);
} else {
mathmlWithoutAnnotation = MathML.removeSemantics(mathml);
return mathmlWithoutAnnotation;
* Removes semantics tag to mathml.
* @param {string} mathml - MathML string.
* @returns {string} - 'mathml' without semantics tag.
static removeSemantics(mathml) {
const mathTagEnd = '</math>';
const openSemantics = '<semantics>';
const openAnnotation = '<annotation';
let mathmlWithoutSemantics = mathml;
const startSemantics = mathml.indexOf(openSemantics);
if (startSemantics !== -1) {
const startAnnotation = mathml.indexOf(openAnnotation, startSemantics + openSemantics.length);
if (startAnnotation !== -1) {
mathmlWithoutSemantics = mathml.substring(0, startSemantics)
+ mathml.substring(startSemantics + openSemantics.length, startAnnotation) + mathTagEnd;
return mathmlWithoutSemantics;
* Transforms all xml mathml ocurrences that contain semantics to the same
* xml mathml ocurrences without semantics.
* @param {string} text - string that can contain xml mathml ocurrences.
* @param {Constants} [characters] - Constant object containing xmlCharacters
* or safeXmlCharacters relation.
* xmlCharacters by default.
* @returns {string} - 'text' with all xml mathml ocurrences without annotation tag.
static removeSemanticsOcurrences(text, characters = Constants.xmlCharacters) {
const mathTagStart = `${characters.tagOpener}math`;
const mathTagEnd = `${characters.tagOpener}/math${characters.tagCloser}`;
const mathTagEndline = `/${characters.tagCloser}`;
const { tagCloser } = characters;
const semanticsTagStart = `${characters.tagOpener}semantics${characters.tagCloser}`;
const annotationTagStart = `${characters.tagOpener}annotation encoding=`;
let output = '';
let start = text.indexOf(mathTagStart);
let end = 0;
while (start !== -1) {
output += text.substring(end, start);
// MathML can be written as '<math></math>' or '<math />'.
const mathTagEndIndex = text.indexOf(mathTagEnd, start);
const mathTagEndlineIndex = text.indexOf(mathTagEndline, start);
const firstTagCloser = text.indexOf(tagCloser, start);
if (mathTagEndIndex !== -1) {
end = mathTagEndIndex;
} else if (mathTagEndlineIndex === firstTagCloser - 1) {
end = mathTagEndlineIndex;
const semanticsIndex = text.indexOf(semanticsTagStart, start);
if (semanticsIndex !== -1) {
const mmlTagStart = text.substring(start, semanticsIndex);
const annotationIndex = text.indexOf(annotationTagStart, start);
if (annotationIndex !== -1) {
const startIndex = semanticsIndex + semanticsTagStart.length;
const mmlContent = text.substring(startIndex, annotationIndex);
output += mmlTagStart + mmlContent + mathTagEnd;
start = text.indexOf(mathTagStart, start + mathTagStart.length);
end += mathTagEnd.length;
} else {
end = start;
start = text.indexOf(mathTagStart, start + mathTagStart.length);
} else {
end = start;
start = text.indexOf(mathTagStart, start + mathTagStart.length);
output += text.substring(end, text.length);
return output;
* Returns true if a MathML contains a certain class.
* @param {string} mathML - input MathML.
* @param {string} className - className.
* @returns {boolean} true if the input MathML contains the input class.
* false otherwise.
* @static
static containClass(mathML, className) {
const classIndex = mathML.indexOf('class');
if (classIndex === -1) {
return false;
const classTagEndIndex = mathML.indexOf('>', classIndex);
const classTag = mathML.substring(classIndex, classTagEndIndex);
if (classTag.indexOf(className) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if mathml is empty. Otherwise, false.
* @param {string} mathml - valid MathML with standard XML tags.
* @returns {boolean} - true if mathml is empty. Otherwise, false.
static isEmpty(mathml) {
// MathML can have the shape <math></math> or '<math />'.
const closeTag = '>';
const closeTagInline = '/>';
const firstCloseTagIndex = mathml.indexOf(closeTag);
const firstCloseTagInlineIndex = mathml.indexOf(closeTagInline);
let empty = false;
// MathML is always empty in the second shape.
if (firstCloseTagInlineIndex !== -1) {
if (firstCloseTagInlineIndex === firstCloseTagIndex - 1) {
empty = true;
// MathML is always empty in the first shape when there aren't elements
// between math tags.
if (!empty) {
const mathTagEndRegex = new RegExp('</(.+:)?math>');
const mathTagEndArray = mathTagEndRegex.exec(mathml);
if (mathTagEndArray) {
empty = firstCloseTagIndex + 1 === mathTagEndArray.index;
return empty;
* Encodes html entities inside properties.
* @param {String} mathml - valid MathML with standard XML tags.
* @returns {String} - 'mathml' with property entities encoded.
static encodeProperties(mathml) {
// Search all the properties.
const regex = /\w+=".*?"/g;
// Encode html entities.
const replacer = (match) => {
// It has the shape:
// <math propertyOne="somethingOne"><children propertyTwo="somethingTwo"></children></math>.
const quoteIndex = match.indexOf('"');
const propertyValue = match.substring(quoteIndex + 1, match.length - 1);
const propertyValueEncoded = Util.htmlEntities(propertyValue);
const matchEncoded = `${match.substring(0, quoteIndex + 1)}${propertyValueEncoded}"`;
return matchEncoded;
const mathmlEncoded = mathml.replace(regex, replacer);
return mathmlEncoded;