
import Configuration from './configuration';
import Util from './util';

 * @classdesc
 * This class represents MathType Image class. Contains all the logic related
 * to MathType images manipulation.
 * All MathType images are generated using the appropriate MathType
 * integration service: showimage or createimage.
 * There are two available image formats:
 * - svg (default)
 * - png
 * There are two formats for the image src attribute:
 * - A data-uri scheme containing the URL-encoded SVG or a PNG's base64.
 * - A link to the showimage service.
export default class Image {
   * Removes data attributes from an image.
   * @param {HTMLImageElement} img - Image where remove data attributes.
  static removeImgDataAttributes(img) {
    const attributesToRemove = [];
    const { attributes } = img;

    Object.keys(attributes).forEach((key) => {
      const attribute = attributes[key];
      if ('data-') === 0) {
        // Is preferred keep an array and remove after the search
        // because when attribute is removed the array of attributes
        // is modified.

    attributesToRemove.forEach((attribute) => {

   * @static
   * Clones all MathType image attributes from a HTMLImageElement to another.
   * @param {HTMLImageElement} originImg - The original image.
   * @param {HTMLImageElement} destImg - The destination image.
  static clone(originImg, destImg) {
    const customEditorAttributeName = Configuration.get('imageCustomEditorName');
    if (!originImg.hasAttribute(customEditorAttributeName)) {

    const mathmlAttributeName = Configuration.get('imageMathmlAttribute');
    const imgAttributes = [

    imgAttributes.forEach((iterator) => {
      const originAttribute = originImg.getAttribute(iterator);
      if (originAttribute) {
        destImg.setAttribute(iterator, originAttribute);

  * Calculates the metrics of a MathType image given the the service response and the image format.
  * @param {HTMLImageElement} img - The HTMLImageElement.
  * @param {String} uri - The URI generated by the image service: can be a data URI scheme or a URL.
  * @param {Boolean} jsonResponse - True the response of the image service is a
  * JSON object. False otherwise.
  static setImgSize(img, uri, jsonResponse) {
    let ar;
    let base64String;
    let bytes;
    let svgString;
    if (jsonResponse) {
      // Cleaning data:image/png;base64.
      if (Configuration.get('imageFormat') === 'svg') {
        // SVG format.
        // If SVG is encoded in base64 we need to convert the base64 bytes into a SVG string.
        if (Configuration.get('saveMode') !== 'base64') {
          ar = Image.getMetricsFromSvgString(uri);
        } else {
          base64String = img.src.substr(img.src.indexOf('base64,') + 7, img.src.length);
          svgString = '';
          bytes = Util.b64ToByteArray(base64String, base64String.length);
          for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 1) {
            svgString += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
          ar = Image.getMetricsFromSvgString(svgString);
        // PNG format: we store all metrics information in the first 88 bytes.
      } else {
        base64String = img.src.substr(img.src.indexOf('base64,') + 7, img.src.length);
        bytes = Util.b64ToByteArray(base64String, 88);
        ar = Image.getMetricsFromBytes(bytes);
      // Backwards compatibility: we store the metrics into createimage response.
    } else {
      ar = Util.urlToAssArray(uri);
    let width =;
    if (!width) {
    let height =;
    let baseline = ar.cb;
    const { dpi } = ar;
    if (dpi) {
      width = width * 96 / dpi;
      height = height * 96 / dpi;
      baseline = baseline * 96 / dpi;
    img.width = width;
    img.height = height; = `-${height - baseline}px`;

   * Calculates the metrics of an image which has been resized. Is used to restore the original
   * metrics of a resized image.
   * @param {HTMLImageElement } img - The resized HTMLImageElement.
  static fixAfterResize(img) {
    // In order to avoid resize with max-width css property. = 'none';
    if (img.src.indexOf('data:image') !== -1) {
      if (Configuration.get('imageFormat') === 'svg') {
        //;charset=utf8, = 32.
        const svg = decodeURIComponent(img.src.substring(32, img.src.length));
        Image.setImgSize(img, svg, true);
      } else {
        //;base64, == 22.
        const base64 = img.src.substring(22, img.src.length);
        Image.setImgSize(img, base64, true);
    } else {
      Image.setImgSize(img, img.src);

   * Returns the metrics (height, width and baseline) contained in a SVG image generated
   * by the MathType image service. This image contains as an extra custom attribute:
   * the baseline (wrs:baseline).
   * @param {String} svgString - The SVG image.
   * @return {Array} - The image metrics.
  static getMetricsFromSvgString(svgString) {
    let first = svgString.indexOf('height="');
    let last = svgString.indexOf('"', first + 8, svgString.length);
    const height = svgString.substring(first + 8, last);

    first = svgString.indexOf('width="');
    last = svgString.indexOf('"', first + 7, svgString.length);
    const width = svgString.substring(first + 7, last);

    first = svgString.indexOf('wrs:baseline="');
    last = svgString.indexOf('"', first + 14, svgString.length);
    const baseline = svgString.substring(first + 14, last);

    if (typeof width !== 'undefined') {
      const arr = []; = width; = height;
      if (typeof baseline !== 'undefined') {
        arr.cb = baseline;
      return arr;
    return [];

   * Returns the metrics (width, height, baseline and dpi) contained in a PNG byte array.
   * @param  {Array.<Bytes>} bytes - png byte array.
   * @return {Array} The png metrics.
  static getMetricsFromBytes(bytes) {
    Util.readBytes(bytes, 0, 8);
    let width;
    let height;
    let typ;
    let baseline;
    let dpi;
    while (bytes.length >= 4) {
      typ = Util.readInt32(bytes);
      if (typ === 0x49484452) {
        width = Util.readInt32(bytes);
        height = Util.readInt32(bytes);
        // Read 5 bytes.
      } else if (typ === 0x62615345) { // Baseline: 'baSE'.
        baseline = Util.readInt32(bytes);
      } else if (typ === 0x70485973) { // Dpis: 'pHYs'.
        dpi = Util.readInt32(bytes);
        dpi = (Math.round(dpi / 39.37));

    if (typeof width !== 'undefined') {
      const arr = []; = width; = height;
      arr.dpi = dpi;
      if (baseline) {
        arr.cb = baseline;

      return arr;
    return [];