
import Configuration from './configuration';
import EditorListener from './editorlistener';
import Listeners from './listeners';
import MathML from './mathml';
import Util from './util';

export default class ContentManager {
   * @classdesc
   * This class represents a modal dialog, managing the following:
   * - The insertion of content into the current instance of the {@link ModalDialog} class.
   * - The actions to be done once the modal object has been submitted
   *   (submitAction} method).
   * - The update of the content when the {@link ModalDialog} class is also updated,
   *   for example when ModalDialog is re-opened.
   * - The communication between the {@link ModalDialog} class and itself, if the content
   *   has been changed (hasChanges} method).
   * @constructs
   * @param {Object} contentManagerAttributes - Object containing all attributes needed to
   * create a new instance.
  constructor(contentManagerAttributes) {
     * An object containing MathType editor parameters. See
     * for further information.
     * @type {Object}
    this.editorAttributes = {};
    if ('editorAttributes' in contentManagerAttributes) {
      this.editorAttributes = contentManagerAttributes.editorAttributes;
    } else {
      throw new Error('ContentManager constructor error: editorAttributes property missed.');

     * CustomEditors instance. Contains the custom editors.
     * @type {CustomEditors}
    this.customEditors = null;
    if ('customEditors' in contentManagerAttributes) {
      this.customEditors = contentManagerAttributes.customEditors;

* Environment properties. This object contains data about the integration platform.
* @type {Object}
* @property {String} editor - Editor name. Usually the HTML editor.
* @property {String} mode - Save mode. Xml by default.
* @property {String} version - Plugin version.
    this.environment = {};
    if ('environment' in contentManagerAttributes) {
      this.environment = contentManagerAttributes.environment;
    } else {
      throw new Error('ContentManager constructor error: environment property missed');

      * ContentManager language.
      * @type {String}
    this.language = '';
    if ('language' in contentManagerAttributes) {
      this.language = contentManagerAttributes.language;
    } else {
      throw new Error('ContentManager constructor error: language property missed');

    * {@link EditorListener} instance. Manages the changes inside the editor.
    * @type {EditorListener}
    this.editorListener = new EditorListener();

     * MathType editor instance.
     * @type {JsEditor}
    this.editor = null;

     * Navigator user agent.
     * @type {String}
     */ = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

     * Mobile device properties object
     * @type {DeviceProperties}
    this.deviceProperties = {};
    this.deviceProperties.isAndroid ='android') > -1;
    this.deviceProperties.isIOS = ContentManager.isIOS();

     * Custom editor toolbar.
     * @type {String}
    this.toolbar = null;

     * Instance of the {@link ModalDialog} class associated with the current
     * {@link ContentManager} instance.
     * @type {ModalDialog}
    this.modalDialogInstance = null;

     * ContentManager listeners.
     * @type {Listeners}
    this.listeners = new Listeners();

     * MathML associated to the ContentManager instance.
     * @type {String}
    this.mathML = null;

     * Indicates if the edited element is a new one or not.
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.isNewElement = true;

     * {@link IntegrationModel} instance. Needed to call wrapper methods.
     * @type {IntegrationModel}
    this.integrationModel = null;

   * Adds a new listener to the current {@link ContentManager} instance.
   * @param {Object} listener - The listener to be added.
  addListener(listener) {

   * Sets an instance of {@link IntegrationModel} class to the current {@link ContentManager}
   * instance.
   * @param {IntegrationModel} integrationModel - The {@link IntegrationModel} instance.
  setIntegrationModel(integrationModel) {
    this.integrationModel = integrationModel;

   * Sets the {@link ModalDialog} instance into the current {@link ContentManager} instance.
   * @param {ModalDialog} modalDialogInstance - The {@link ModalDialog} instance
  setModalDialogInstance(modalDialogInstance) {
    this.modalDialogInstance = modalDialogInstance;

   * Inserts the content into the current {@link ModalDialog} instance updating
   * the title and inserting the JavaScript editor.
  insert() {
    // Before insert the editor we update the modal object title to avoid weird render display.

   * Inserts MathType editor into the {@link ModalDialog.contentContainer}. It waits until
   * editor's JavaScript is loaded.
  insertEditor() {
    if (ContentManager.isEditorLoaded()) {
      this.editor =;
      if (this.modalDialogInstance.rtl) {
      // Setting div in rtl in case of it's activated.
      if (this.editor.getEditorModel().isRTL()) { = 'rtl';

      // Editor listener: this object manages the changes logic of editor.

      // iOS events.
      if (this.modalDialogInstance.deviceProperties.isIOS) {
        setTimeout(function hide() { 
          // Make sure the modalDialogInstance is available when the timeout is over
          // to avoid throw errors and stop execution.
          if(this.hasOwnProperty('modalDialogInstance')) this.modalDialogInstance.hideKeyboard(); 
        }, 400);

        const formulaDisplayDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('wrs_formulaDisplay')[0];
        Util.addEvent(formulaDisplayDiv, 'focus', this.modalDialogInstance.handleOpenedIosSoftkeyboard);
        Util.addEvent(formulaDisplayDiv, 'blur', this.modalDialogInstance.handleClosedIosSoftkeyboard);
      // Fire onLoad event. Necessary to set the MathML into the editor
      // after is loaded.'onLoad', {});
    } else {
      setTimeout(ContentManager.prototype.insertEditor.bind(this), 100);

   * Initializes the current class by loading MathType script.
  init() {
    if (!ContentManager.isEditorLoaded()) {

   * Adds script element to the DOM to include editor externally.
  addEditorAsExternalDependency() {
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    let editorUrl = Configuration.get('editorUrl');
    // We create an object url for parse url string and work more efficiently.
    const anchorElement = document.createElement('a');

    ContentManager.setHrefToAnchorElement(anchorElement, editorUrl);

    editorUrl = ContentManager.getURLFromAnchorElement(anchorElement);

    // Load editor URL. We add stats as GET params.
    const stats = this.getEditorStats();
    script.src = `${editorUrl}?lang=${this.language}&stats-editor=${stats.editor}&stats-mode=${stats.mode}&stats-version=${stats.version}`;


   * Sets the specified url to the anchor element.
   * @param {HTMLAnchorElement} anchorElement - Element where set 'url'.
   * @param {String} url - URL to set.
  static setHrefToAnchorElement(anchorElement, url) {
    anchorElement.href = url;

   * Sets the current protocol to the anchor element.
   * @param {HTMLAnchorElement} anchorElement - Element where set its protocol.
  static setProtocolToAnchorElement(anchorElement) {
    // Change to https if necessary.
    if (window.location.href.indexOf('https://') === 0) {
      // It check if browser is https and configuration is http.
      // If this is so, we will replace protocol.
      if (anchorElement.protocol === 'http:') {
        anchorElement.protocol = 'https:';

   * Returns the url of the anchor element adding the current port
   * if it is needed.
   * @param {HTMLAnchorElement} anchorElement - Element where extract the url.
   * @returns {String}
  static getURLFromAnchorElement(anchorElement) {
    // Check protocol and remove port if it's standard.
    const removePort = anchorElement.port === '80' || anchorElement.port === '443' || anchorElement.port === '';
    return `${anchorElement.protocol}//${anchorElement.hostname}${ removePort ? '' : (':' + anchorElement.port) }${anchorElement.pathname.startsWith('/') ? anchorElement.pathname : ('/' + anchorElement.pathname)}`;

   * Returns object with editor stats.
   * @typedef {Object} EditorStatsObject
   * @property {string} editor - Editor name.
   * @property {string} mode - Current configuration for formula save mode.
   * @property {string} version - Current plugins version.
   * @returns {EditorStatsObject}
  getEditorStats() {
    // Editor stats. Use environment property to set it.
    const stats = {};
    if ('editor' in this.environment) {
      stats.editor = this.environment.editor;
    } else {
      stats.editor = 'unknown';

    if ('mode' in this.environment) {
      stats.mode = this.environment.mode;
    } else {
      stats.mode = Configuration.get('saveMode');

    if ('version' in this.environment) {
      stats.version = this.environment.version;
    } else {
      stats.version = Configuration.get('version');

    return stats;

   * Returns true if device is iOS. Otherwise, false.
   * @returns {Boolean}
  static isIOS() {
    return [
      'iPad Simulator',
      'iPhone Simulator',
      'iPod Simulator',
    // iPad on iOS 13 detection
    || (navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac") && "ontouchend" in document);

   * Returns true if editor is loaded. Otherwise, false.
   * @returns {Boolean}
  static isEditorLoaded() {
    // To know if editor JavaScript is loaded we need to wait until
    // is ready.
    return ( && &&
      && &&;

  * Sets the {@link ContentManager.editor} initial content.
  setInitialContent() {
    if (!this.isNewElement) {

   * Sets a MathML into {@link ContentManager.editor} instance.
   * @param {String} mathml - MathML string.
   * @param {Boolean} focusDisabled - If true editor don't get focus after the MathML is set.
   * False by default.
  setMathML(mathml, focusDisabled) {
    // By default focus is enabled.
    if (typeof focusDisabled === 'undefined') {
      focusDisabled = false;
    // Using setMathML method is not a change produced by the user but for the API
    // so we set to false the contentChange property of editorListener.
    this.editor.setMathMLWithCallback(mathml, () => {

    // We need to wait a little until the callback finish.
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 500);

    // In some scenarios - like closing modal object - editor mustn't be focused.
    if (!focusDisabled) {

   * Sets the focus to the current instance of {@link ContentManager.editor}. Triggered by
   * {@link ModalDialog.focus}.
  onFocus() {
    if (typeof this.editor !== 'undefined' && this.editor != null) {

   * Updates the edition area by calling {@link IntegrationModel.updateFormula}.
   * Triggered by {@link ModalDialog.submitAction}.
  submitAction() {
    if (!this.editor.isFormulaEmpty()) {
      let mathML = this.editor.getMathMLWithSemantics();
      // Add class for custom editors.
      if (this.customEditors.getActiveEditor() !== null) {
        const { toolbar } = this.customEditors.getActiveEditor();
        mathML = MathML.addCustomEditorClassAttribute(mathML, toolbar);
      } else {
        // We need - if exists - the editor name from MathML
        // class attribute.
        Object.keys(this.customEditors.editors).forEach((key) => {
          mathML = MathML.removeCustomEditorClassAttribute(mathML, key);
      const mathmlEntitiesEncoded = MathML.mathMLEntities(mathML);
    } else {


    // Set disabled focus to prevent lost focus.

   * Sets an empty MathML as {@link ContentManager.editor} content.
  setEmptyMathML() {
    // As second argument we pass.
    if (this.deviceProperties.isAndroid || this.deviceProperties.isIOS) {
      // We need to set a empty annotation in order to maintain editor in Hand mode.
      // Adding dir rtl in case of it's activated.
      if (this.editor.getEditorModel().isRTL()) {
        this.setMathML('<math dir="rtl"><semantics><annotation encoding="application/json">[]</annotation></semantics></math>', true);
      } else {
        this.setMathML('<math><semantics><annotation encoding="application/json">[]</annotation></semantics></math>', true);
    } else if (this.editor.getEditorModel().isRTL()) {
      this.setMathML('<math dir="rtl"/>', true);
    } else {
      this.setMathML('<math/>', true);

   * Open event. Triggered by {@link}. Does the following:
   * - Updates the {@link ContentManager.editor} content
   *   (with an empty MathML or an existing formula),
   * - Updates the {@link ContentManager.editor} toolbar.
   * - Recovers the the focus.
  onOpen() {
    if (this.isNewElement) {
    } else {

   * Sets the correct toolbar depending if exist other custom toolbars
   * at the same time (e.g: Chemistry).
  updateToolbar() {
    const customEditor = this.customEditors.getActiveEditor();
    if (customEditor) {
      const toolbar = customEditor.toolbar
        ? customEditor.toolbar
        : _wrs_int_wirisProperties.toolbar;

      if (this.toolbar == null || this.toolbar !== toolbar) {
    } else {
      const toolbar = this.getToolbar();
      if (this.toolbar == null || this.toolbar !== toolbar) {

   * Updates the current {@link ModalDialog.title}. If a {@link CustomEditors} is enabled
   * sets the custom editor title. Otherwise sets the default title.
  updateTitle() {
    const customEditor = this.customEditors.getActiveEditor();
    if (customEditor) {
    } else {

   * Returns the editor toolbar, depending on the configuration local or server side.
   * @returns {String} - Toolbar identifier.
  getToolbar() {
    let toolbar = 'general';
    if ('toolbar' in this.editorAttributes) {
      ({ toolbar } = this.editorAttributes);
    // TODO: Change global integration variable for integration custom toolbar.
    if (toolbar === 'general') {
      // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
      toolbar = (typeof _wrs_int_wirisProperties === 'undefined' || typeof _wrs_int_wirisProperties.toolbar === 'undefined') ? 'general' : _wrs_int_wirisProperties.toolbar;

    return toolbar;

   * Sets the current {@link ContentManager.editor} instance toolbar.
   * @param {String} toolbar - The toolbar name.
  setToolbar(toolbar) {
    this.toolbar = toolbar;
    this.editor.setParams({ toolbar: this.toolbar });

   * Returns true if the content of the editor has been changed. The logic of the changes
   * is delegated to {@link EditorListener} class.
   * @returns {Boolean} True if the editor content has been changed. False otherwise.
  hasChanges() {
    return (!this.editor.isFormulaEmpty() && this.editorListener.getIsContentChanged());

   * Handle keyboard events detected in modal when elements of this class intervene.
   * @param {KeyboardEvent} keyboardEvent - The keyboard event.
  onKeyDown(keyboardEvent) {
    if (keyboardEvent.key !== undefined && keyboardEvent.repeat === false) {
      if (keyboardEvent.key === 'Escape' || keyboardEvent.key === 'Esc') { // Code to detect Esc event.
        // There should be only one element with class name 'wrs_pressed' at the same time.
        let list = document.getElementsByClassName('wrs_expandButton wrs_expandButtonFor3RowsLayout wrs_pressed');
        if (list.length === 0) {
          list = document.getElementsByClassName('wrs_expandButton wrs_expandButtonFor2RowsLayout wrs_pressed');
          if (list.length === 0) {
            list = document.getElementsByClassName('wrs_select wrs_pressed');
            if (list.length === 0) {
      } else if (keyboardEvent.shiftKey && keyboardEvent.key === 'Tab') { // Code to detect shift Tab event.
        if (document.activeElement === this.modalDialogInstance.submitButton) {
          // Focus is on OK button.
        } else {
          const element = document.querySelector('[title="Manual"]');
          if (document.activeElement === element) {
            // Focus is on editor help.
      } else if (keyboardEvent.key === 'Tab') { // Code to detect Tab event.
        if (document.activeElement === this.modalDialogInstance.cancelButton) {
          // Focus is on cancel button.
          const element = document.querySelector('[title="Manual"]');
        } else {
          // There should be only one element with class name 'wrs_formulaDisplay'.
          const element = document.getElementsByClassName('wrs_formulaDisplay')[0];
          if (element.getAttribute('class') === 'wrs_formulaDisplay wrs_focused') {
            // Focus is on formuladisplay.